condition mean min max Egg cell 9.67463 9.08589 10.5173 Ovary 3.8832466666666665 2.72853 5.58786 Ovule 97.65957499999999 68.6912 124.987 Microspore 5.99239 0.0 14.6226 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.32399775675675674 0.0 2.52471 Pollen tube 0.12113953333333334 0.0 0.306508 Sperm cell 2.4989947999999997 0.0 5.78311 Pollen tube 0.12113953333333334 0.0 0.306508 Tassels (primordia) 25.981525 21.756 28.78 Tassels (anther) 26.37826923076923 11.4591 45.7973 Tassels 51.18989375 3.19581 124.813 Silk 71.64962 8.03524 135.264 Ear 19.649564 5.18215 35.5024 Ear (immature) 6.10744 3.28757 7.83277 Ear (inflorescence) 21.17435 14.4931 27.8556 Ear (primordia) 22.854586666666666 6.64852 36.9897 Zygote (12 HAP) 15.566356666666668 9.15297 24.5864 Zygote (24 HAP) 13.383833333333333 3.8494 18.3511 Daughter cell (apical) 35.027966666666664 26.7806 39.9196 Daughter cell (basal) 43.9236 29.6241 52.296 Embryo 31.416663333333332 1.69617 70.5893 Nucellus 48.963049999999996 47.0584 50.8677 Endopserm 24.300483571428572 7.89816 55.407 Kernel 38.750189999999996 5.83928 71.702 Kernel (germinating) 38.6078 30.0581 47.1575 Seeds 66.79542666666667 6.98268 139.908 Embryo Sac 70.67755 54.729 86.6261 Pericarp and aleurone 29.3129 29.3129 29.3129 Coleoptile (5 day) 42.81703333333333 29.6546 52.0436 Seedling 61.37742173913043 10.7423 105.811 Internode 45.69651428571429 28.0076 71.7672 Sheath 98.27055 95.1011 101.44 Shoot (apex) 43.46918528 3.06076 102.492 Shoot 27.740380000000002 4.59496 50.278 Whole plant 59.10365 28.5088 106.638 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 8.009115 7.04794 8.97029 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 0.601885 0.0 1.31681 Apical meristem 22.4541 22.4541 22.4541 Stem and meristem 51.6238 36.8664 66.3812 Stems 68.995775 42.7204 95.5299 Stem (Internode) 44.9806 34.9205 58.462 Leaf 17.795185315315315 0.0 144.28 Leaf (apex) 13.480350000000001 12.1539 14.8068 Leaf (bundle sheath) 20.684704999999997 1.66101 39.7084 Leaf (mesophyll) 21.53763 8.56079 40.5006 Leaf (seedlings) 13.365732133333333 0.454812 32.7391 Leaf and kernel 8.867370000000001 3.89664 18.8456 Ear (leaf) 8.7875 8.7875 8.7875 Root 92.44534833333333 4.31644 194.069 Root (elongation zone) 132.43535 18.448 254.907 Root (meristematic zone) 40.0312 39.9689 40.0935 Root (stele) 172.97225 149.221 191.818 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 98.5243 98.5243 98.5243 Secondary root 52.7297 52.7297 52.7297 Root, root hairs removed 80.5896 80.5896 80.5896 Root (maturation zone) 11.7871 11.7871 11.7871