condition mean min max Egg cell 4.07211 1.16249 9.5416 Ovary 2.3199266666666665 1.54496 3.11297 Ovule 32.488275 15.6398 49.519 Microspore 5.1137552 0.209066 10.8515 Bicellular microspore 1.53963 1.53963 1.53963 Pollen (mature) 0.22274321891891893 0.0 1.1405 Pollen tube 0.16275288333333332 0.0615723 0.321889 Sperm cell 2.583677142857143 0.0 6.6829 Pollen tube 0.16275288333333332 0.0615723 0.321889 Tassels (primordia) 63.0418 46.2922 85.5424 Tassels (anther) 25.528638461538463 15.5595 55.4857 Tassels 24.60214625 6.48944 45.0998 Silk 18.4678 14.9123 22.0233 Ear 45.46521 14.0648 78.0924 Ear (immature) 33.67595 26.0343 48.8649 Ear (inflorescence) 86.21545 77.8365 94.5944 Ear (primordia) 47.23822166666667 8.66793 68.1488 Zygote (12 HAP) 17.46737 8.06861 28.5873 Zygote (24 HAP) 9.377056666666666 4.3243 13.8685 Daughter cell (apical) 9.024406666666668 5.92546 11.1673 Daughter cell (basal) 9.58897 5.88286 15.3415 Embryo 29.89396888888889 7.30682 71.3331 Nucellus 56.110600000000005 55.4012 56.82 Endopserm 17.471337857142856 4.59487 35.7072 Kernel 26.245508333333333 14.4939 38.2402 Kernel (germinating) 37.6376 19.4286 55.8466 Seeds 34.10387272727273 12.4684 51.9573 Embryo Sac 22.770899999999997 19.0449 26.4969 Pericarp and aleurone 9.73094 9.73094 9.73094 Coleoptile (5 day) 36.555233333333334 34.0055 38.6451 Seedling 41.19250869565217 10.282 93.8324 Internode 44.697785714285715 26.2547 57.5249 Sheath 86.2075 76.8647 95.5503 Shoot (apex) 47.6622064 30.8726 68.9442 Shoot 31.013283333333334 19.6929 52.3437 Whole plant 31.507575000000003 25.3229 34.9112 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 25.1376 23.3748 26.9004 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 18.1905 13.5517 21.0297 Apical meristem 51.4425 51.4425 51.4425 Stem and meristem 47.276 43.7257 50.8263 Stems 53.5927 39.9818 65.5841 Stem (Internode) 50.03633333333333 47.3464 51.7529 Leaf 40.66132756756757 6.31774 114.455 Leaf (apex) 52.67745 45.5004 59.8545 Leaf (bundle sheath) 42.902950000000004 28.3921 57.4138 Leaf (mesophyll) 33.82503333333334 23.2162 44.3753 Leaf (seedlings) 18.404057333333334 1.57824 75.815 Leaf and kernel 25.5575 20.3885 35.1353 Ear (leaf) 24.6369 24.6369 24.6369 Root 30.398208333333333 12.4695 63.9478 Root (elongation zone) 12.1351125 6.36945 16.9662 Root (meristematic zone) 22.4253 21.5379 23.3127 Root (stele) 49.85605 41.816 59.5317 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 40.8814 40.8814 40.8814 Secondary root 15.1255 15.1255 15.1255 Root, root hairs removed 26.4089 26.4089 26.4089 Root (maturation zone) 11.3682 11.3682 11.3682