condition mean min max Egg cell 0.056588 0.0 0.169764 Ovary 187.66566666666665 152.064 256.976 Ovule 287.721835 3.96093 1132.8 Microspore 0.12833640000000002 0.0 0.384765 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.4283512716216216 0.0 2.73215 Pollen tube 0.227826 0.138901 0.358238 Sperm cell 0.07461137142857142 0.0 0.489745 Pollen tube 0.227826 0.138901 0.358238 Tassels (primordia) 449.185 395.307 524.523 Tassels (anther) 173.29961538461538 106.796 307.525 Tassels 637.92575 213.808 1971.84 Silk 145.3555 104.792 185.919 Ear 524.65093 84.7151 1295.44 Ear (immature) 1109.7761666666668 941.467 1337.22 Ear (inflorescence) 1248.48 1121.3 1375.66 Ear (primordia) 545.1960833333334 55.9302 1721.16 Zygote (12 HAP) 7.219983333333333 2.27219 17.0894 Zygote (24 HAP) 0.85993 0.46563 1.07699 Daughter cell (apical) 0.324506 0.170973 0.563967 Daughter cell (basal) 0.17351353333333333 0.0623346 0.243873 Embryo 156.3760022222222 1.69134 561.196 Nucellus 480.6155 437.961 523.27 Endopserm 365.25066785714284 8.52835 1587.25 Kernel 390.7323083333333 93.8027 1023.96 Kernel (germinating) 437.87300000000005 157.43 718.316 Seeds 176.48149515151516 3.33146 1130.25 Embryo Sac 2.72576 1.79307 3.65845 Pericarp and aleurone 144.603 144.603 144.603 Coleoptile (5 day) 117.38166666666666 106.967 135.546 Seedling 622.5024869565218 88.4592 1815.43 Internode 188.8529142857143 33.3004 598.854 Sheath 523.3149999999999 467.287 579.343 Shoot (apex) 422.7211056 85.6032 1041.48 Shoot 854.9505 183.306 1278.1 Whole plant 876.9635000000001 451.583 1634.45 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 131.335 127.824 134.846 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 48.4024 40.9103 52.4665 Apical meristem 158.878 158.878 158.878 Stem and meristem 314.4235 303.418 325.429 Stems 114.8287375 57.5074 184.936 Stem (Internode) 140.78186666666667 88.9776 192.697 Leaf 236.7323644144144 2.91559 1106.94 Leaf (apex) 201.3055 153.166 249.445 Leaf (bundle sheath) 212.73700000000002 166.025 259.449 Leaf (mesophyll) 125.71106666666667 74.4822 189.71 Leaf (seedlings) 308.5562 18.7324 1163.47 Leaf and kernel 526.5345 316.812 770.127 Ear (leaf) 190.55 190.55 190.55 Root 574.7472510416667 29.5361 1896.78 Root (elongation zone) 646.08325 572.22 782.023 Root (meristematic zone) 33.6484 30.0294 37.2674 Root (stele) 259.36975 153.369 338.074 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 687.877 687.877 687.877 Secondary root 1303.69 1303.69 1303.69 Root, root hairs removed 987.727 987.727 987.727 Root (maturation zone) 85.9825 85.9825 85.9825