condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	0.13014133333333333	0.0	0.261524
Ovary	0.4243416666666667	0.313467	0.585214
Ovule	2.015574	0.610556	4.51679
Microspore	0.9004134399999999	0.0947142	2.18137
Bicellular microspore	0.0938951	0.0938951	0.0938951
Pollen (mature)	0.07072919189189189	0.0	0.273602
Pollen tube	0.02699655	0.0	0.0785222
Sperm cell	0.016698857142857144	0.0	0.0988126
Pollen tube	0.02699655	0.0	0.0785222
Tassels (primordia)	3.4672475	2.68517	4.20995
Tassels (anther)	3.542888	0.583894	8.69318
Tassels	2.204283625	0.597021	4.41713
Silk	1.22071	1.10906	1.33236
Ear	2.6412683	0.182868	6.06383
Ear (immature)	2.1980399999999998	1.1372	2.85314
Ear (inflorescence)	3.432875	3.42464	3.44111
Ear (primordia)	5.355273333333334	3.38798	6.34181
Zygote (12 HAP)	0.024214	0.0	0.072642
Zygote (24 HAP)	0.45208833333333337	0.0	1.05001
Daughter cell (apical)	0.6475246666666666	0.198661	1.28017
Daughter cell (basal)	0.815485	0.716059	0.948072
Embryo	2.5669422222222225	1.05617	5.80727
Nucellus	6.395160000000001	6.23182	6.5585
Endopserm	2.9661472142857144	0.523271	9.13878
Kernel	2.3633805	0.862416	4.77881
Kernel (germinating)	1.7773619999999999	0.754644	2.80008
Seeds	2.4249517272727275	0.662853	4.53759
Embryo Sac	2.5758449999999997	0.94384	4.20785
Pericarp and aleurone	1.16863	1.16863	1.16863
Coleoptile (5 day)	3.2987066666666665	2.29224	3.85539
Seedling	1.6150020869565218	0.108956	3.82742
Internode	1.608555	0.972935	2.74012
Sheath	2.4078749999999998	2.06396	2.75179
Shoot (apex)	1.876821456	0.27817	4.10099
Shoot	1.1971406666666666	0.342929	2.07478
Whole plant	1.8242117500000001	0.879357	3.05844
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	1.3265699999999998	1.25199	1.40115
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	0.12074826666666666	0.0	0.290379
Apical meristem	4.36494	4.36494	4.36494
Stem and meristem	2.100675	1.69554	2.50581
Stems	2.10291125	1.08369	4.45625
Stem (Internode)	1.5749266666666666	1.3917	1.86048
Leaf	1.8575668288288287	0.0	11.7117
Leaf (apex)	3.0419799999999997	2.52269	3.56127
Leaf (bundle sheath)	0.9827755	0.355181	1.61037
Leaf (mesophyll)	1.46559	1.08346	1.75865
Leaf (seedlings)	0.27594640666666664	0.0	0.658793
Leaf and kernel	0.43646383333333333	0.0	0.674138
Ear (leaf)	1.5727	1.5727	1.5727
Root	1.4545693958333332	0.423912	3.59105
Root (elongation zone)	0.722056	0.658487	0.751827
Root (meristematic zone)	2.26427	2.16701	2.36153
Root (stele)	2.3299325	1.70011	3.21962
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	1.25781	1.25781	1.25781
Secondary root	2.20031	2.20031	2.20031
Root, root hairs removed	2.11992	2.11992	2.11992
Root (maturation zone)	2.68702	2.68702	2.68702