condition mean min max Egg cell 6.661603333333334 4.10354 9.50116 Ovary 2.56735 1.86913 3.06593 Ovule 16.7502 10.879 20.521 Microspore 4.0348278 0.680709 7.95904 Bicellular microspore 0.929583 0.929583 0.929583 Pollen (mature) 0.3321932243243243 0.0819663 1.09293 Pollen tube 0.18235816666666665 0.125812 0.269728 Sperm cell 6.439374142857143 0.272747 15.7321 Pollen tube 0.18235816666666665 0.125812 0.269728 Tassels (primordia) 22.18175 19.9631 23.8304 Tassels (anther) 14.600746153846154 10.7125 20.9137 Tassels 14.34765875 6.26133 25.2993 Silk 15.321105 6.90171 23.7405 Ear 16.467511 6.85174 30.3846 Ear (immature) 13.41325 7.7469 16.8086 Ear (inflorescence) 15.1096 11.3742 18.845 Ear (primordia) 23.71992 8.54312 31.8738 Zygote (12 HAP) 1.409224 0.245902 2.47493 Zygote (24 HAP) 3.0298066666666665 1.74164 4.06975 Daughter cell (apical) 26.896366666666665 21.5027 36.8199 Daughter cell (basal) 22.27306666666667 17.0548 26.8867 Embryo 18.322517777777776 7.86281 27.5607 Nucellus 33.5038 32.3279 34.6797 Endopserm 5.328183642857143 0.384571 15.5922 Kernel 8.358481666666666 3.11242 19.0359 Kernel (germinating) 11.55135 8.7596 14.3431 Seeds 16.036585454545456 2.99441 26.298 Embryo Sac 15.69165 10.2175 21.1658 Pericarp and aleurone 4.00458 4.00458 4.00458 Coleoptile (5 day) 24.2948 20.2506 26.3178 Seedling 12.029871739130435 3.9412 30.303 Internode 19.382114285714284 11.7025 23.2092 Sheath 17.411749999999998 16.377 18.4465 Shoot (apex) 19.09879664 1.47107 31.1133 Shoot 6.556656666666667 4.10132 11.5781 Whole plant 18.481025 15.2191 24.2551 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 10.64155 10.1765 11.1066 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 7.200233333333333 4.92324 10.974 Apical meristem 20.092 20.092 20.092 Stem and meristem 19.100299999999997 16.4865 21.7141 Stems 22.977600000000002 17.9583 28.9507 Stem (Internode) 19.5112 16.0746 22.038 Leaf 13.161198918918918 2.93427 30.7268 Leaf (apex) 19.883049999999997 17.7627 22.0034 Leaf (bundle sheath) 6.18996 5.47128 6.90864 Leaf (mesophyll) 7.4919 5.50205 10.5122 Leaf (seedlings) 6.060164 1.14953 11.6035 Leaf and kernel 5.3507283333333335 3.92788 6.79969 Ear (leaf) 12.7103 12.7103 12.7103 Root 14.099932083333334 3.06198 27.3087 Root (elongation zone) 6.23841 2.87491 9.48788 Root (meristematic zone) 14.2509 13.7004 14.8014 Root (stele) 16.791525 14.3093 19.4603 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 12.9426 12.9426 12.9426 Secondary root 4.37267 4.37267 4.37267 Root, root hairs removed 9.79205 9.79205 9.79205 Root (maturation zone) 6.65433 6.65433 6.65433