condition mean min max Egg cell 24.939466666666668 17.1259 30.5009 Ovary 5.1854233333333335 4.15076 6.32663 Ovule 16.2377675 5.67012 33.9328 Microspore 4.027118199999999 0.0 14.6511 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 3.4895045945945946 0.85888 7.36433 Pollen tube 3.3576099999999998 2.99424 4.03062 Sperm cell 0.14027372857142859 0.0 0.597114 Pollen tube 3.3576099999999998 2.99424 4.03062 Tassels (primordia) 34.00775 29.5258 39.1249 Tassels (anther) 17.64023076923077 11.2828 20.6291 Tassels 21.39134125 7.85033 41.6314 Silk 15.20036 7.46812 22.9326 Ear 28.04794 13.2853 49.1209 Ear (immature) 20.7378 17.9007 23.3515 Ear (inflorescence) 43.69785 43.6412 43.7545 Ear (primordia) 31.62065 11.4553 38.4551 Zygote (12 HAP) 15.712033333333334 3.1807 27.6421 Zygote (24 HAP) 8.547326666666667 6.03536 13.5625 Daughter cell (apical) 61.407466666666664 36.4643 78.9512 Daughter cell (basal) 50.55923333333333 48.4151 53.9801 Embryo 23.275126666666665 1.72342 40.815 Nucellus 4.819615 3.55556 6.08367 Endopserm 7.367002857142857 1.08073 24.2436 Kernel 12.705076666666667 6.0204 24.606 Kernel (germinating) 22.662100000000002 16.2408 29.0834 Seeds 25.421308484848485 2.51281 48.5992 Embryo Sac 8.89057 6.34074 11.4404 Pericarp and aleurone 4.85917 4.85917 4.85917 Coleoptile (5 day) 57.36613333333333 54.6586 60.1776 Seedling 12.554853913043479 1.45968 22.6512 Internode 26.940257142857142 21.298 38.522 Sheath 31.972749999999998 26.6191 37.3264 Shoot (apex) 38.4833008 20.4222 60.752 Shoot 12.037473333333333 3.21003 20.6641 Whole plant 10.4294575 2.55153 14.9625 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 24.131 20.7893 27.4727 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 12.949953333333333 9.77006 16.0596 Apical meristem 35.3092 35.3092 35.3092 Stem and meristem 37.394549999999995 36.5464 38.2427 Stems 33.8187375 23.5026 50.1788 Stem (Internode) 28.0135 22.682 31.0543 Leaf 11.603984837837837 0.0 71.3611 Leaf (apex) 19.991300000000003 18.9857 20.9969 Leaf (bundle sheath) 5.17866 2.51177 7.84555 Leaf (mesophyll) 4.1253633333333335 3.10896 6.07624 Leaf (seedlings) 2.301192933333333 0.185604 4.18691 Leaf and kernel 5.404616666666667 2.67293 7.48645 Ear (leaf) 2.59947 2.59947 2.59947 Root 27.958213854166665 4.67389 42.9689 Root (elongation zone) 42.503524999999996 27.9563 55.7945 Root (meristematic zone) 35.512299999999996 32.8231 38.2015 Root (stele) 35.587225000000004 33.291 38.9316 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 33.5522 33.5522 33.5522 Secondary root 25.262 25.262 25.262 Root, root hairs removed 20.5753 20.5753 20.5753 Root (maturation zone) 23.8786 23.8786 23.8786