condition mean min max Egg cell 0.42247833333333334 0.125228 0.943011 Ovary 4.768563333333334 2.96033 6.21346 Ovule 1.6384237000000001 0.0783228 6.11589 Microspore 0.15175644000000002 0.0 0.639874 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 1.5763880243243242 0.0 8.03206 Pollen tube 3.7203466666666665 3.45193 4.19093 Sperm cell 0.13846350285714285 0.0 0.372521 Pollen tube 3.7203466666666665 3.45193 4.19093 Tassels (primordia) 0.784318925 0.0357037 1.92766 Tassels (anther) 0.810830076923077 0.100258 5.39962 Tassels 3.6650574999999996 1.10097 8.89102 Silk 0.150565 0.110697 0.190433 Ear 2.1143013 0.287975 6.50471 Ear (immature) 0.6501268333333333 0.219672 1.16293 Ear (inflorescence) 0.353153 0.314286 0.39202 Ear (primordia) 1.046761 0.0 4.66742 Zygote (12 HAP) 0.1421382 0.0623654 0.26848 Zygote (24 HAP) 0.41192996666666665 0.0300489 0.825955 Daughter cell (apical) 0.15251746666666666 0.0995344 0.215887 Daughter cell (basal) 0.1978191 0.0876063 0.254359 Embryo 8.907691777777778 0.0 67.3501 Nucellus 1.290095 1.2038 1.37639 Endopserm 0.32590507142857145 0.0 3.36072 Kernel 1.690311225 0.0862374 8.808 Kernel (germinating) 2.084151 0.750182 3.41812 Seeds 1.9560998939393939 0.0 9.11943 Embryo Sac 0.1202985 0.078534 0.162063 Pericarp and aleurone 2.97856 2.97856 2.97856 Coleoptile (5 day) 0.95355 0.813927 1.05597 Seedling 9.087165 0.795145 36.5919 Internode 7.521017142857143 2.43751 11.7548 Sheath 2.20013 2.03777 2.36249 Shoot (apex) 7.681058784 0.941118 22.1501 Shoot 2.7960533333333335 1.49129 5.69943 Whole plant 6.122685 3.8836 10.8973 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 0.2906215 0.247663 0.33358 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 0.02683693333333333 0.0 0.0805108 Apical meristem 0.571037 0.571037 0.571037 Stem and meristem 1.4166500000000002 1.09176 1.74154 Stems 4.641991825 0.0546546 10.0745 Stem (Internode) 7.34893 5.76321 9.32401 Leaf 5.054392799099099 0.0585327 24.0801 Leaf (apex) 0.421245 0.267935 0.574555 Leaf (bundle sheath) 3.921195 2.00112 5.84127 Leaf (mesophyll) 3.4801699999999998 1.58895 6.51129 Leaf (seedlings) 10.027700666666666 0.165267 37.8786 Leaf and kernel 3.843645 1.94732 5.44118 Ear (leaf) 7.90838 7.90838 7.90838 Root 2.5783377333333335 0.0536294 19.1604 Root (elongation zone) 2.42697 1.39851 3.92914 Root (meristematic zone) 0.6350105 0.427555 0.842466 Root (stele) 0.9552780000000001 0.268873 1.96937 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 4.01095 4.01095 4.01095 Secondary root 4.30118 4.30118 4.30118 Root, root hairs removed 3.64003 3.64003 3.64003 Root (maturation zone) 0.639257 0.639257 0.639257