condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	2.0300523333333333	0.317921	4.84511
Ovary	9.68318	7.28774	11.0262
Ovule	12.926135	3.13119	35.5556
Microspore	1.7032992	0.293776	2.7974
Bicellular microspore	0.17907	0.17907	0.17907
Pollen (mature)	9.955959729729729	1.80173	18.2023
Pollen tube	3.9857	3.40469	4.75784
Sperm cell	0.6909164285714285	0.110039	1.29679
Pollen tube	3.9857	3.40469	4.75784
Tassels (primordia)	28.561875	22.328	34.3533
Tassels (anther)	20.257392307692307	14.0561	26.6358
Tassels	21.816135	5.44958	30.9205
Silk	15.679749999999999	14.3104	17.0491
Ear	23.826381	6.71711	67.4525
Ear (immature)	14.821133333333332	12.3255	19.4571
Ear (inflorescence)	26.2564	20.6653	31.8475
Ear (primordia)	26.473983333333333	13.8242	35.4456
Zygote (12 HAP)	3.4041533333333334	1.50413	6.83393
Zygote (24 HAP)	2.116697	0.671001	4.15337
Daughter cell (apical)	2.48826	0.27404	4.47431
Daughter cell (basal)	1.8595703666666668	0.0709411	3.15079
Embryo	34.76816222222222	8.06176	59.9404
Nucellus	30.75565	30.2216	31.2897
Endopserm	6.744660928571428	0.644693	17.2265
Kernel	16.489980833333334	7.77215	41.5866
Kernel (germinating)	16.76665	13.0165	20.5168
Seeds	22.60076878787879	5.52106	55.8839
Embryo Sac	10.458659999999998	2.67432	18.243
Pericarp and aleurone	6.7658	6.7658	6.7658
Coleoptile (5 day)	23.484533333333335	19.6798	25.6431
Seedling	18.425711304347825	7.18788	63.4849
Internode	23.208571428571428	14.571	34.0208
Sheath	40.253150000000005	34.3016	46.2047
Shoot (apex)	25.37628976	4.57022	61.2911
Shoot	12.368489166666667	8.27497	16.2935
Whole plant	19.55045	17.8332	22.4006
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	8.258135	7.66887	8.8474
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	3.69657	2.89779	4.3945
Apical meristem	34.1588	34.1588	34.1588
Stem and meristem	19.8002	19.5057	20.0947
Stems	26.4857375	14.931	34.0801
Stem (Internode)	25.1261	24.273	26.0508
Leaf	17.31858927927928	5.12702	52.1385
Leaf (apex)	17.41315	17.0621	17.7642
Leaf (bundle sheath)	8.32581	6.60442	10.0472
Leaf (mesophyll)	10.49365	8.14535	12.3842
Leaf (seedlings)	6.820503333333334	1.25871	14.6281
Leaf and kernel	6.682185	5.64997	8.76803
Ear (leaf)	13.9561	13.9561	13.9561
Root	20.4540915625	4.45894	39.8031
Root (elongation zone)	16.721035	6.74555	28.8095
Root (meristematic zone)	30.3206	30.2525	30.3887
Root (stele)	30.995175000000003	26.7676	34.8571
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	18.5052	18.5052	18.5052
Secondary root	9.37015	9.37015	9.37015
Root, root hairs removed	16.1718	16.1718	16.1718
Root (maturation zone)	10.0902	10.0902	10.0902