condition mean min max Egg cell 20.414037 0.465011 33.5418 Ovary 88.82383333333334 63.1961 119.116 Ovule 70.0745675 5.10937 249.999 Microspore 2.013043 0.0 9.80293 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.3465804945945946 0.0 1.4098 Pollen tube 0.891584 0.478837 1.4947 Sperm cell 1.7336744857142856 0.0 6.3712 Pollen tube 0.891584 0.478837 1.4947 Tassels (primordia) 93.89925 90.6084 96.407 Tassels (anther) 46.27441538461539 22.9042 94.5005 Tassels 114.3206375 35.7178 320.229 Silk 39.31445 16.605 62.0239 Ear 269.55005 27.8835 549.593 Ear (immature) 267.4315 238.681 343.146 Ear (inflorescence) 324.1505 250.616 397.685 Ear (primordia) 96.37415 32.6923 133.391 Zygote (12 HAP) 19.826033333333335 10.0549 32.8074 Zygote (24 HAP) 10.20347 5.72511 13.3139 Daughter cell (apical) 10.888276666666666 6.559 19.1758 Daughter cell (basal) 7.851556666666666 6.05283 11.2051 Embryo 69.15351111111111 12.3657 153.199 Nucellus 142.96 133.316 152.604 Endopserm 35.11542571428571 2.08418 195.248 Kernel 129.35131666666666 29.031 295.763 Kernel (germinating) 115.6085 102.977 128.24 Seeds 85.73439848484848 8.39445 362.528 Embryo Sac 9.47737 9.0337 9.92104 Pericarp and aleurone 33.3456 33.3456 33.3456 Coleoptile (5 day) 90.73716666666667 76.7258 100.239 Seedling 82.05668260869565 12.9456 337.358 Internode 105.46425714285715 80.4132 140.174 Sheath 20.1143 17.3451 22.8835 Shoot (apex) 260.5507536 83.6633 869.767 Shoot 81.877925 64.0738 113.665 Whole plant 339.838 166.413 635.025 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 62.24485 56.1068 68.3829 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 7.334230000000001 6.47749 8.83942 Apical meristem 79.706 79.706 79.706 Stem and meristem 131.2805 121.861 140.7 Stems 68.1342875 20.8913 110.439 Stem (Internode) 111.89393333333334 80.3718 128.067 Leaf 131.78003225225225 3.52929 610.948 Leaf (apex) 80.8503 59.5406 102.16 Leaf (bundle sheath) 84.74545 37.0859 132.405 Leaf (mesophyll) 87.77633333333333 31.6857 191.707 Leaf (seedlings) 100.95909533333334 9.78583 270.618 Leaf and kernel 135.88185 92.5231 204.791 Ear (leaf) 111.58 111.58 111.58 Root 146.98872083333333 32.5853 324.672 Root (elongation zone) 107.1149 64.9856 147.981 Root (meristematic zone) 56.05855 50.1707 61.9464 Root (stele) 184.88 129.237 249.996 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 114.943 114.943 114.943 Secondary root 101.886 101.886 101.886 Root, root hairs removed 127.536 127.536 127.536 Root (maturation zone) 83.8901 83.8901 83.8901