condition mean min max Egg cell 0.8485866666666667 0.0 1.54334 Ovary 0.11309783333333333 0.0375669 0.249576 Ovule 6.855175 4.39558 13.2862 Microspore 2.2987088 0.0 5.85779 Bicellular microspore 0.297575 0.297575 0.297575 Pollen (mature) 0.745312327027027 0.0299641 3.0409 Pollen tube 0.4816465 0.397923 0.577265 Sperm cell 3.367944857142857 0.838364 7.61565 Pollen tube 0.4816465 0.397923 0.577265 Tassels (primordia) 14.249625 12.7893 16.461 Tassels (anther) 26.720392307692308 19.9158 53.3779 Tassels 45.70777925 0.522644 172.565 Silk 6.24965 2.3976 10.1017 Ear 11.729687 3.24166 43.5319 Ear (immature) 5.601763333333333 3.84115 6.78157 Ear (inflorescence) 9.88358 6.78026 12.9869 Ear (primordia) 12.34283 1.19708 17.9956 Zygote (12 HAP) 4.30823 2.36017 6.11578 Zygote (24 HAP) 2.2015113333333334 0.985884 4.18756 Daughter cell (apical) 3.9447166666666664 1.95204 5.42971 Daughter cell (basal) 3.1148 1.54733 4.75235 Embryo 9.429919555555555 0.931286 16.6117 Nucellus 14.15095 11.8418 16.4601 Endopserm 4.9157781428571425 0.446074 17.593 Kernel 14.028795 5.73209 28.5793 Kernel (germinating) 23.79955 21.1472 26.4519 Seeds 62.152726060606064 3.04755 217.12 Embryo Sac 11.853444999999999 6.62539 17.0815 Pericarp and aleurone 5.62915 5.62915 5.62915 Coleoptile (5 day) 21.419866666666664 15.0179 25.3416 Seedling 37.272344347826085 3.70475 68.9328 Internode 33.672557142857144 12.0883 68.5976 Sheath 90.82875 86.5385 95.119 Shoot (apex) 53.808102319999996 8.14759 192.135 Shoot 18.561389083333335 0.622269 39.4681 Whole plant 16.4031575 8.88703 21.2108 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 7.7817799999999995 6.83059 8.73297 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 4.11336 3.90781 4.43297 Apical meristem 10.5251 10.5251 10.5251 Stem and meristem 80.6311 71.2242 90.038 Stems 38.9558625 19.1495 103.496 Stem (Internode) 31.077366666666666 17.4348 52.0766 Leaf 5.117478171171171 0.244283 37.8063 Leaf (apex) 12.365749999999998 11.1611 13.5704 Leaf (bundle sheath) 24.799841 0.701982 48.8977 Leaf (mesophyll) 10.05827 1.50219 21.9912 Leaf (seedlings) 1.8467950666666666 0.15111 5.359 Leaf and kernel 1.6539273333333333 0.969174 2.35487 Ear (leaf) 0.83939 0.83939 0.83939 Root 116.07942989583333 3.42176 633.552 Root (elongation zone) 97.8219 28.2121 208.255 Root (meristematic zone) 26.0981 23.9076 28.2886 Root (stele) 473.61600000000004 183.955 650.835 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 234.849 234.849 234.849 Secondary root 66.2319 66.2319 66.2319 Root, root hairs removed 112.186 112.186 112.186 Root (maturation zone) 7.44221 7.44221 7.44221