condition mean min max Egg cell 331.17733333333337 245.199 447.601 Ovary 22.518533333333334 18.0582 29.0277 Ovule 162.70775 113.17 225.843 Microspore 33.747078 1.05659 68.9481 Bicellular microspore 1.32848 1.32848 1.32848 Pollen (mature) 3.7034832162162163 0.10277 11.9284 Pollen tube 4.09606 3.0283 4.99939 Sperm cell 79.427195 0.575545 193.0 Pollen tube 4.09606 3.0283 4.99939 Tassels (primordia) 283.376 228.126 362.452 Tassels (anther) 113.27115384615385 66.238 267.104 Tassels 124.91175 20.0557 434.445 Silk 150.3252 93.0394 207.611 Ear 185.55306 45.5452 341.129 Ear (immature) 247.925 202.507 297.871 Ear (inflorescence) 305.9915 304.778 307.205 Ear (primordia) 335.8546666666667 221.826 551.079 Zygote (12 HAP) 195.25366666666667 172.91 210.546 Zygote (24 HAP) 248.70000000000002 228.658 276.946 Daughter cell (apical) 334.12333333333333 286.213 381.545 Daughter cell (basal) 395.4 345.2 445.484 Embryo 177.52186666666665 42.9992 312.413 Nucellus 83.31235 71.8025 94.8222 Endopserm 116.96358571428571 24.0301 225.442 Kernel 115.57390000000001 34.6073 186.251 Kernel (germinating) 112.85624999999999 95.5465 130.166 Seeds 143.9116787878788 45.6448 198.56 Embryo Sac 346.414 263.291 429.537 Pericarp and aleurone 35.9357 35.9357 35.9357 Coleoptile (5 day) 133.24033333333333 124.837 138.813 Seedling 53.01443913043478 23.1068 95.9292 Internode 156.58242857142858 129.86 174.719 Sheath 63.8973 60.0476 67.747 Shoot (apex) 127.4006984 22.2454 293.313 Shoot 53.433458333333334 22.5746 81.6794 Whole plant 102.110625 67.2021 150.752 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 217.304 195.537 239.071 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 452.6743333333333 307.345 598.712 Apical meristem 255.206 255.206 255.206 Stem and meristem 195.31650000000002 181.662 208.971 Stems 179.82775 135.589 224.074 Stem (Internode) 147.233 133.632 167.161 Leaf 48.29582810810811 7.79289 307.739 Leaf (apex) 271.08799999999997 256.882 285.294 Leaf (bundle sheath) 37.475300000000004 26.2489 48.7017 Leaf (mesophyll) 31.72106666666667 24.5713 41.2424 Leaf (seedlings) 13.761417333333332 2.56104 40.9768 Leaf and kernel 30.2495 23.8161 43.7541 Ear (leaf) 17.8807 17.8807 17.8807 Root 102.34212708333334 32.1402 185.849 Root (elongation zone) 61.943325 47.9924 82.7018 Root (meristematic zone) 143.61849999999998 136.638 150.599 Root (stele) 116.71845 82.4591 153.071 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 90.2526 90.2526 90.2526 Secondary root 83.3836 83.3836 83.3836 Root, root hairs removed 79.9835 79.9835 79.9835 Root (maturation zone) 110.655 110.655 110.655