condition mean min max Egg cell 0.3462766666666666 0.0 1.03883 Ovary 0.5323263333333333 0.373545 0.688411 Ovule 0.835056825 0.0 3.07843 Microspore 0.3859333 0.0 1.11113 Bicellular microspore 0.0621616 0.0621616 0.0621616 Pollen (mature) 61.90949297297298 6.91413 178.381 Pollen tube 26.482883333333334 24.7319 31.9807 Sperm cell 0.6302049571428572 0.0 3.54502 Pollen tube 26.482883333333334 24.7319 31.9807 Tassels (primordia) 0.94578525 0.681296 1.26647 Tassels (anther) 22.204005384615385 1.73314 55.8092 Tassels 87.044147725 0.0891728 286.932 Silk 2.085355 0.52865 3.64206 Ear 1.0597229 0.128668 2.40123 Ear (immature) 0.7994776666666668 0.338788 1.16968 Ear (inflorescence) 1.801515 1.26024 2.34279 Ear (primordia) 0.19919116666666667 0.0 0.730263 Zygote (12 HAP) 3.10786 2.84956 3.58854 Zygote (24 HAP) 1.4624426666666666 0.787828 2.29289 Daughter cell (apical) 0.40942233333333333 0.121073 0.569921 Daughter cell (basal) 0.05940193333333334 0.0 0.13511 Embryo 3.6676877777777777 0.0 16.6839 Nucellus 6.042104999999999 4.24545 7.83876 Endopserm 0.40311414285714287 0.0 2.22131 Kernel 3.008350675 0.0 15.7025 Kernel (germinating) 1.622668 0.405506 2.83983 Seeds 1.2162225333333334 0.0 6.77863 Embryo Sac 0.3633565 0.0 0.726713 Pericarp and aleurone 0.193418 0.193418 0.193418 Coleoptile (5 day) 3.3772100000000003 2.88702 3.77396 Seedling 3.481985434782609 0.679183 9.38997 Internode 0.21066557142857142 0.126775 0.484679 Sheath 2.23678 1.63969 2.83387 Shoot (apex) 5.0982915704 0.0 47.5547 Shoot 2.075324 0.434093 9.62452 Whole plant 5.494445 2.1271 9.21628 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 0.5287585 0.457299 0.600218 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 0.12816033333333335 0.0 0.384481 Apical meristem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Stem and meristem 0.0789965 0.0 0.157993 Stems 0.124744125 0.0 0.49134 Stem (Internode) 0.09927366666666666 0.0 0.175957 Leaf 1.925978363963964 0.0 21.48 Leaf (apex) 1.1666750000000001 1.06749 1.26586 Leaf (bundle sheath) 0.7258519999999999 0.705423 0.746281 Leaf (mesophyll) 0.664806 0.609694 0.698568 Leaf (seedlings) 1.8724659333333333 0.0 7.35474 Leaf and kernel 1.3897216666666665 1.03093 1.66893 Ear (leaf) 0.37185 0.37185 0.37185 Root 5.632362613541667 0.0920176 26.084 Root (elongation zone) 11.98844 9.62285 16.0426 Root (meristematic zone) 0.12374715 0.0850833 0.162411 Root (stele) 0.65202475 0.125382 1.65867 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 7.97026 7.97026 7.97026 Secondary root 7.79881 7.79881 7.79881 Root, root hairs removed 3.11879 3.11879 3.11879 Root (maturation zone) 0.0428648 0.0428648 0.0428648