condition mean min max Egg cell 1.6517066666666667 1.35888 2.11338 Ovary 1.0939536666666667 0.713941 1.40379 Ovule 5.8849025 2.78507 7.38144 Microspore 3.588653 0.302735 6.10558 Bicellular microspore 0.615049 0.615049 0.615049 Pollen (mature) 2.9039319189189188 0.284278 21.4478 Pollen tube 1.3936733333333333 1.2628 1.59949 Sperm cell 1.557796142857143 0.821413 2.88689 Pollen tube 1.3936733333333333 1.2628 1.59949 Tassels (primordia) 17.494325 13.8788 26.4559 Tassels (anther) 11.470074615384615 3.77215 17.1154 Tassels 11.99999875 0.3508 27.362 Silk 4.570641 0.352232 8.78905 Ear 7.6300081 0.790505 20.3193 Ear (immature) 2.3961683333333332 1.19637 3.15504 Ear (inflorescence) 9.031695 4.94119 13.1222 Ear (primordia) 10.358182 0.618632 17.3087 Zygote (12 HAP) 5.16477 4.21183 6.42134 Zygote (24 HAP) 3.5406166666666667 2.43077 4.24183 Daughter cell (apical) 7.4104 2.7347 10.3783 Daughter cell (basal) 5.7179400000000005 4.09833 6.70966 Embryo 7.691404444444444 1.7012 18.3167 Nucellus 22.27035 21.9498 22.5909 Endopserm 2.5058375 0.455969 5.84056 Kernel 6.272920166666667 0.637522 9.59463 Kernel (germinating) 9.85145 9.3908 10.3121 Seeds 8.552715757575758 1.47946 17.2677 Embryo Sac 4.35293 2.5646 6.14126 Pericarp and aleurone 4.14001 4.14001 4.14001 Coleoptile (5 day) 7.908756666666667 4.23188 9.83707 Seedling 11.643551739130436 2.20194 38.0546 Internode 11.290812857142857 2.5455 18.5814 Sheath 10.088899999999999 9.5321 10.6457 Shoot (apex) 8.63883632 1.62667 18.3284 Shoot 4.431045833333333 2.29863 10.4234 Whole plant 8.93521 4.62732 13.7669 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 2.523345 2.47585 2.57084 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 1.91863 1.68011 2.04346 Apical meristem 12.3041 12.3041 12.3041 Stem and meristem 6.252825 5.65293 6.85272 Stems 11.73452875 9.57343 16.9447 Stem (Internode) 11.15619 9.69557 13.2743 Leaf 6.902530675675676 0.514312 21.1476 Leaf (apex) 4.406435 4.11171 4.70116 Leaf (bundle sheath) 2.703101 0.558142 4.84806 Leaf (mesophyll) 4.447776666666667 3.98733 5.1663 Leaf (seedlings) 6.752357333333333 1.76052 12.634 Leaf and kernel 3.5715516666666667 2.68709 4.87677 Ear (leaf) 7.63096 7.63096 7.63096 Root 14.749994031249999 0.948397 35.586 Root (elongation zone) 8.137568250000001 0.790053 16.3271 Root (meristematic zone) 11.248000000000001 10.5457 11.9503 Root (stele) 16.7812 14.6354 17.837 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 19.5537 19.5537 19.5537 Secondary root 2.42193 2.42193 2.42193 Root, root hairs removed 12.2706 12.2706 12.2706 Root (maturation zone) 2.0135 2.0135 2.0135