condition mean min max Egg cell 2.7024166666666667 2.0484 3.33336 Ovary 2.7304933333333334 1.85828 3.52135 Ovule 10.526815 6.20116 14.025 Microspore 2.56008998 0.0335679 6.20905 Bicellular microspore 0.0648914 0.0648914 0.0648914 Pollen (mature) 0.5778771351351352 0.107092 2.1108 Pollen tube 0.09161861666666667 0.0517228 0.110725 Sperm cell 0.08725206571428572 0.0 0.353343 Pollen tube 0.09161861666666667 0.0517228 0.110725 Tassels (primordia) 15.344575 12.1072 18.5562 Tassels (anther) 20.61599230769231 13.1401 33.6098 Tassels 10.43371 2.22817 21.8938 Silk 13.712605 1.24681 26.1784 Ear 9.744127 2.75053 18.8854 Ear (immature) 7.063466666666667 4.2571 8.40789 Ear (inflorescence) 10.74841 5.95492 15.5419 Ear (primordia) 24.24459166666667 3.54985 44.5882 Zygote (12 HAP) 2.9918996666666664 0.301329 5.37484 Zygote (24 HAP) 1.6823713333333332 0.88651 3.20424 Daughter cell (apical) 6.91799 6.80401 6.99364 Daughter cell (basal) 5.100293333333333 4.23161 6.20839 Embryo 15.673161111111112 6.77835 22.1597 Nucellus 31.3241 29.0075 33.6407 Endopserm 9.538383571428572 4.90119 15.9139 Kernel 13.4730625 3.398 28.8694 Kernel (germinating) 10.568225 8.14375 12.9927 Seeds 14.929663636363637 2.69776 31.4294 Embryo Sac 22.2862 12.6423 31.9301 Pericarp and aleurone 8.413 8.413 8.413 Coleoptile (5 day) 20.850133333333332 13.1886 24.863 Seedling 11.119518260869565 5.12042 24.3379 Internode 18.99799857142857 8.75269 22.222 Sheath 21.439549999999997 19.2884 23.5907 Shoot (apex) 13.070693200000001 5.50519 26.0583 Shoot 7.827144166666667 4.88807 13.4096 Whole plant 15.5185 12.1341 18.5779 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 6.09618 5.48989 6.70247 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 5.635576666666667 4.23824 6.87878 Apical meristem 15.5716 15.5716 15.5716 Stem and meristem 17.2367 17.0429 17.4305 Stems 16.7184625 12.7678 20.3648 Stem (Internode) 20.206 18.3072 21.5747 Leaf 11.52247009009009 1.93263 29.0106 Leaf (apex) 16.1301 15.4129 16.8473 Leaf (bundle sheath) 5.284085 2.5365 8.03167 Leaf (mesophyll) 6.563653333333334 5.30729 7.46987 Leaf (seedlings) 5.826656666666667 2.2173 10.5211 Leaf and kernel 5.308818333333333 4.38347 7.53532 Ear (leaf) 12.1371 12.1371 12.1371 Root 12.183588020833334 3.58805 24.0792 Root (elongation zone) 4.995555 2.36644 8.69336 Root (meristematic zone) 10.657699999999998 10.6436 10.6718 Root (stele) 17.547325 16.0616 18.9351 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 14.4466 14.4466 14.4466 Secondary root 6.50368 6.50368 6.50368 Root, root hairs removed 11.4494 11.4494 11.4494 Root (maturation zone) 5.87347 5.87347 5.87347