condition mean min max Egg cell 7.444326666666667 3.03607 11.3954 Ovary 1.8414666666666666 1.35034 2.19411 Ovule 16.9395025 8.74881 24.7098 Microspore 26.341303999999997 3.07327 53.3216 Bicellular microspore 4.12082 4.12082 4.12082 Pollen (mature) 9.069392378378378 0.897808 25.0996 Pollen tube 4.851275 4.49196 5.40607 Sperm cell 10.022182857142857 2.58456 16.5144 Pollen tube 4.851275 4.49196 5.40607 Tassels (primordia) 23.962675 18.3761 33.792 Tassels (anther) 26.297176923076922 18.8534 33.1154 Tassels 23.44682 1.02446 36.7482 Silk 13.2438 5.3272 21.1604 Ear 14.851549 4.98756 30.9323 Ear (immature) 9.679795 8.94134 10.4087 Ear (inflorescence) 14.16835 11.1364 17.2003 Ear (primordia) 20.13236 1.71206 28.2865 Zygote (12 HAP) 33.34786666666667 26.3739 46.1908 Zygote (24 HAP) 37.4179 32.4629 40.6214 Daughter cell (apical) 14.696596666666668 9.71249 19.4444 Daughter cell (basal) 17.035433333333334 15.7456 19.4695 Embryo 15.799447777777777 1.56163 33.4618 Nucellus 30.9738 29.2524 32.6952 Endopserm 9.357160714285714 3.29376 22.8604 Kernel 15.912979166666666 7.27822 22.7324 Kernel (germinating) 17.914749999999998 17.3875 18.442 Seeds 26.980019393939394 2.50303 53.382 Embryo Sac 14.604600000000001 13.2338 15.9754 Pericarp and aleurone 8.97964 8.97964 8.97964 Coleoptile (5 day) 19.9355 18.3506 20.9618 Seedling 18.989818260869566 4.44032 29.0453 Internode 24.009414285714286 19.2178 27.2229 Sheath 20.70835 19.5235 21.8932 Shoot (apex) 26.48401768 9.33151 38.6986 Shoot 8.8762575 4.80083 21.429 Whole plant 14.0591775 7.47161 17.1908 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 12.926449999999999 10.7693 15.0836 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 25.690433333333335 21.9734 31.263 Apical meristem 21.8695 21.8695 21.8695 Stem and meristem 30.890900000000002 28.9988 32.783 Stems 32.4343625 23.8213 44.3021 Stem (Internode) 25.4062 23.578 27.7366 Leaf 11.877068288288289 1.74762 30.172 Leaf (apex) 20.8324 18.2868 23.378 Leaf (bundle sheath) 10.487300000000001 4.1001 16.8745 Leaf (mesophyll) 12.21954 9.27092 16.7279 Leaf (seedlings) 6.485358 1.50437 13.4675 Leaf and kernel 7.622955 7.16366 8.72937 Ear (leaf) 13.7787 13.7787 13.7787 Root 28.269251354166666 4.8666 49.9756 Root (elongation zone) 24.6737 10.0536 41.8218 Root (meristematic zone) 44.9486 42.5874 47.3098 Root (stele) 34.927125000000004 31.8382 39.5285 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 35.5001 35.5001 35.5001 Secondary root 13.8595 13.8595 13.8595 Root, root hairs removed 25.8944 25.8944 25.8944 Root (maturation zone) 17.5679 17.5679 17.5679