condition mean min max Egg cell 17.3341 12.2584 27.3342 Ovary 2.1351766666666667 1.64302 2.5847 Ovule 11.2923075 6.35183 16.8816 Microspore 3.109066 0.40206 5.56828 Bicellular microspore 0.358965 0.358965 0.358965 Pollen (mature) 0.30413365945945947 0.0 2.64663 Pollen tube 0.9577165 0.553425 1.43049 Sperm cell 21.664012857142858 3.58213 37.829 Pollen tube 0.9577165 0.553425 1.43049 Tassels (primordia) 44.921725 40.9571 52.3695 Tassels (anther) 12.992156923076923 4.19275 30.717 Tassels 10.316242749999999 0.340239 46.0421 Silk 0.0857275 0.0 0.171455 Ear 18.8564574 0.657063 53.5987 Ear (immature) 26.084566666666667 16.7854 33.3193 Ear (inflorescence) 36.023649999999996 29.0127 43.0346 Ear (primordia) 42.659441666666666 6.81015 58.6823 Zygote (12 HAP) 26.378366666666665 18.8861 35.2575 Zygote (24 HAP) 58.885466666666666 54.8874 61.1249 Daughter cell (apical) 17.246766666666666 15.1678 20.4429 Daughter cell (basal) 16.2277 15.4436 17.6803 Embryo 10.962577777777778 3.08551 24.0284 Nucellus 22.360950000000003 20.3026 24.4193 Endopserm 3.2399750714285713 0.476131 8.75276 Kernel 5.192235833333333 1.83974 13.8869 Kernel (germinating) 3.57471 2.50167 4.64775 Seeds 5.329366666666667 1.28805 14.9754 Embryo Sac 19.9863 12.2997 27.6729 Pericarp and aleurone 0.291373 0.291373 0.291373 Coleoptile (5 day) 8.979153333333333 7.43441 9.83321 Seedling 2.5839597 0.0409753 6.61294 Internode 2.0529074285714284 0.258753 11.3042 Sheath 5.7227250000000005 4.94021 6.50524 Shoot (apex) 9.10182384 1.14278 52.2618 Shoot 2.080539191666667 0.0774333 7.8066 Whole plant 2.480175 1.54265 3.65415 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 16.00325 12.6313 19.3752 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 59.21476666666667 47.4943 69.8571 Apical meristem 38.0043 38.0043 38.0043 Stem and meristem 15.5472 15.3118 15.7826 Stems 10.83340025 0.137242 28.6974 Stem (Internode) 0.5824876666666667 0.489868 0.706852 Leaf 1.820399463963964 0.0 25.5008 Leaf (apex) 28.25125 24.0117 32.4908 Leaf (bundle sheath) 0.16473185 0.0885567 0.240907 Leaf (mesophyll) 0.14310553333333334 0.0738326 0.180092 Leaf (seedlings) 0.0242166 0.0 0.124993 Leaf and kernel 0.070628 0.0 0.166196 Ear (leaf) 0.0373447 0.0373447 0.0373447 Root 2.91849490625 0.337074 17.6001 Root (elongation zone) 0.535177 0.288854 1.11083 Root (meristematic zone) 10.381325 9.69845 11.0642 Root (stele) 3.441785 1.697 5.68157 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 3.16596 3.16596 3.16596 Secondary root 1.77803 1.77803 1.77803 Root, root hairs removed 3.64117 3.64117 3.64117 Root (maturation zone) 5.70399 5.70399 5.70399