condition mean min max Egg cell 28.12742666666667 6.36898 45.3679 Ovary 3.137716666666667 2.03966 4.00827 Ovule 11.314499999999999 8.8096 13.099 Microspore 7.8949364 0.318122 27.4024 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.30321275135135134 0.0 1.19626 Pollen tube 0.2051025 0.116614 0.32269 Sperm cell 0.18171431428571427 0.0 0.764083 Pollen tube 0.2051025 0.116614 0.32269 Tassels (primordia) 17.338825 12.1347 21.9885 Tassels (anther) 34.71473846153846 18.2861 49.2387 Tassels 17.6133375 11.3641 25.0257 Silk 7.58803 2.87016 12.3059 Ear 19.198376 7.54222 53.9346 Ear (immature) 18.0638 16.6154 20.1486 Ear (inflorescence) 7.170355 7.15726 7.18345 Ear (primordia) 11.713878333333334 6.67919 16.9991 Zygote (12 HAP) 24.39003333333333 15.8592 30.5221 Zygote (24 HAP) 29.4681 25.0814 35.8791 Daughter cell (apical) 13.793696666666666 6.39999 17.8589 Daughter cell (basal) 26.932466666666667 11.453 46.1282 Embryo 11.205061111111112 5.21678 18.91 Nucellus 18.039250000000003 16.4709 19.6076 Endopserm 14.832072142857143 6.02692 28.816 Kernel 18.896241666666665 14.4368 27.8795 Kernel (germinating) 22.4199 19.8929 24.9469 Seeds 11.767865757575757 3.81309 34.1376 Embryo Sac 16.4357 14.5453 18.3261 Pericarp and aleurone 11.6312 11.6312 11.6312 Coleoptile (5 day) 20.172833333333333 18.1583 22.2577 Seedling 37.37056086956522 22.1443 65.571 Internode 21.591614285714286 15.6098 25.7277 Sheath 51.52345 47.1191 55.9278 Shoot (apex) 19.5839208 10.4415 28.8074 Shoot 49.97114166666667 37.3314 68.3772 Whole plant 29.050075 28.0812 30.5747 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 15.1562 14.8587 15.4537 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 16.594833333333334 15.6562 17.7201 Apical meristem 19.6463 19.6463 19.6463 Stem and meristem 20.950850000000003 20.1416 21.7601 Stems 15.0425625 10.7843 22.0012 Stem (Internode) 16.960533333333334 15.5597 19.6208 Leaf 40.56925810810811 7.54285 108.642 Leaf (apex) 14.209900000000001 14.0581 14.3617 Leaf (bundle sheath) 58.88615 44.8722 72.9001 Leaf (mesophyll) 50.39243333333334 39.0722 58.5787 Leaf (seedlings) 16.440215333333335 1.02824 43.2174 Leaf and kernel 22.781399999999998 19.5341 28.0886 Ear (leaf) 24.9579 24.9579 24.9579 Root 20.424234583333334 6.99239 41.6021 Root (elongation zone) 22.189875 17.7012 33.6569 Root (meristematic zone) 19.7857 19.7232 19.8482 Root (stele) 16.90865 13.7751 20.4305 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 14.3072 14.3072 14.3072 Secondary root 12.0853 12.0853 12.0853 Root, root hairs removed 15.4273 15.4273 15.4273 Root (maturation zone) 29.8511 29.8511 29.8511