condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	39.9757	14.3448	56.4425
Ovary	5.897893333333333	4.37729	6.79405
Ovule	24.43605	16.6736	30.3238
Microspore	11.21505	0.58041	30.8501
Bicellular microspore	0.408395	0.408395	0.408395
Pollen (mature)	0.15030158918918918	0.0	0.940642
Pollen tube	0.02804305	0.0	0.0550143
Sperm cell	1.1920449857142856	0.0	2.66303
Pollen tube	0.02804305	0.0	0.0550143
Tassels (primordia)	51.994675	47.0306	60.8144
Tassels (anther)	39.57540769230769	19.0339	54.3463
Tassels	18.30663125	3.59247	34.8364
Silk	11.557649999999999	2.9654	20.1499
Ear	25.965730999999998	7.82701	40.8874
Ear (immature)	29.616633333333333	21.425	33.3116
Ear (inflorescence)	25.44595	21.9896	28.9023
Ear (primordia)	50.196616666666664	13.9965	81.9415
Zygote (12 HAP)	28.319233333333333	26.1963	31.4625
Zygote (24 HAP)	56.379866666666665	50.2839	65.6048
Daughter cell (apical)	104.11083333333333	80.7985	126.621
Daughter cell (basal)	104.55313333333334	99.3654	110.444
Embryo	37.29784444444444	12.2583	58.9129
Nucellus	47.5906	45.1079	50.0733
Endopserm	10.696822857142857	1.82466	28.1261
Kernel	19.502255	8.02476	34.3004
Kernel (germinating)	35.0004	30.2591	39.7417
Seeds	26.48698393939394	3.53118	39.2647
Embryo Sac	32.3481	25.4956	39.2006
Pericarp and aleurone	10.1659	10.1659	10.1659
Coleoptile (5 day)	46.42626666666666	43.2078	49.5235
Seedling	8.714204782608695	1.39897	23.7328
Internode	27.22442857142857	22.8851	32.3798
Sheath	16.92355	12.6625	21.1846
Shoot (apex)	31.3910944	15.4365	48.0668
Shoot	7.198711666666667	2.55373	19.4085
Whole plant	10.6462375	9.49615	12.078
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	22.195500000000003	21.9006	22.4904
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	47.258766666666666	44.5507	52.4667
Apical meristem	42.6335	42.6335	42.6335
Stem and meristem	41.672	40.0759	43.2681
Stems	27.7631	22.653	35.7335
Stem (Internode)	26.8403	23.9347	29.0851
Leaf	12.43932717117117	0.336232	76.2906
Leaf (apex)	38.25855	35.6519	40.8652
Leaf (bundle sheath)	3.2118599999999997	1.48387	4.93985
Leaf (mesophyll)	2.9449933333333336	1.3688	4.04283
Leaf (seedlings)	1.505263	0.377571	2.69689
Leaf and kernel	2.705114	0.593414	6.17997
Ear (leaf)	3.65166	3.65166	3.65166
Root	23.762765625	4.17802	91.3822
Root (elongation zone)	9.7708	5.72816	12.7926
Root (meristematic zone)	51.7091	50.0295	53.3887
Root (stele)	25.474725	21.1822	30.7665
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	26.0791	26.0791	26.0791
Secondary root	23.6194	23.6194	23.6194
Root, root hairs removed	27.446	27.446	27.446
Root (maturation zone)	51.788	51.788	51.788