condition mean min max Egg cell 4.55457 1.04589 10.8704 Ovary 9.78757 7.07661 11.271 Ovule 49.379125 20.1994 126.118 Microspore 1.46975784 0.0285692 3.20765 Bicellular microspore 0.157795 0.157795 0.157795 Pollen (mature) 1.3056867837837838 0.112153 5.80247 Pollen tube 0.11756581666666667 0.0791759 0.157064 Sperm cell 0.33503535714285715 0.0 1.99975 Pollen tube 0.11756581666666667 0.0791759 0.157064 Tassels (primordia) 62.071725 49.3372 70.7499 Tassels (anther) 77.28066923076923 34.6775 107.083 Tassels 48.11075375 8.07775 118.691 Silk 6.206475 3.52885 8.8841 Ear 72.539075 5.50727 227.067 Ear (immature) 64.16458333333334 55.8682 76.8533 Ear (inflorescence) 90.3848 76.6956 104.074 Ear (primordia) 62.621916666666664 12.3142 94.9356 Zygote (12 HAP) 24.655466666666666 19.7078 28.5256 Zygote (24 HAP) 31.692700000000002 25.0572 40.0745 Daughter cell (apical) 20.734299999999998 13.9327 32.6996 Daughter cell (basal) 18.191766666666666 16.3731 19.1493 Embryo 35.358377777777775 7.2592 71.6161 Nucellus 101.36975 97.4005 105.339 Endopserm 29.84066214285714 4.60457 68.1877 Kernel 51.0819 21.2956 117.277 Kernel (germinating) 24.536099999999998 21.1814 27.8908 Seeds 86.89399393939394 18.3973 188.079 Embryo Sac 33.35265 24.5327 42.1726 Pericarp and aleurone 14.484 14.484 14.484 Coleoptile (5 day) 83.05873333333334 82.0356 83.7462 Seedling 21.680544347826086 1.40505 47.6241 Internode 22.394914285714286 13.3552 61.3062 Sheath 59.59825 49.6007 69.5958 Shoot (apex) 73.6889384 35.7512 150.766 Shoot 16.436939166666665 2.5948 33.3525 Whole plant 28.265800000000002 15.58 33.771 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 41.585499999999996 36.0362 47.1348 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 187.54933333333332 165.484 200.464 Apical meristem 67.0438 67.0438 67.0438 Stem and meristem 66.73910000000001 66.5759 66.9023 Stems 51.242512500000004 14.0216 111.453 Stem (Internode) 20.016133333333332 13.869 28.0651 Leaf 9.043271648648648 0.123417 100.023 Leaf (apex) 59.138999999999996 47.678 70.6 Leaf (bundle sheath) 5.105281000000001 0.422802 9.78776 Leaf (mesophyll) 2.732098 0.580594 6.43351 Leaf (seedlings) 0.7467484133333333 0.0749102 5.12048 Leaf and kernel 1.9130496666666668 0.980178 3.11552 Ear (leaf) 0.346106 0.346106 0.346106 Root 35.70016489583333 4.9766 77.5901 Root (elongation zone) 54.713025 29.27 80.4522 Root (meristematic zone) 57.488299999999995 53.1583 61.8183 Root (stele) 43.96585 37.7715 52.1047 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 40.9174 40.9174 40.9174 Secondary root 25.1255 25.1255 25.1255 Root, root hairs removed 39.8485 39.8485 39.8485 Root (maturation zone) 25.0809 25.0809 25.0809