condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	3.7121766666666667	0.4262	8.10664
Ovary	3.28827	2.32631	4.00267
Ovule	2.7760725	1.46798	5.70475
Microspore	0.40561438	0.0462786	0.742286
Bicellular microspore	0.0	0.0	0.0
Pollen (mature)	0.03752087837837838	0.0	0.12363
Pollen tube	0.05244291833333333	0.00961311	0.0997542
Sperm cell	0.20989657142857143	0.0	0.414252
Pollen tube	0.05244291833333333	0.00961311	0.0997542
Tassels (primordia)	4.542995	3.66133	6.45146
Tassels (anther)	3.0640776923076922	1.6824	6.16857
Tassels	3.041134375	0.543325	6.12284
Silk	4.258755	2.62065	5.89686
Ear	2.678758	1.61663	5.40593
Ear (immature)	3.2820300000000002	2.74492	3.80649
Ear (inflorescence)	2.9938849999999997	2.46482	3.52295
Ear (primordia)	3.3574083333333333	2.27985	4.6792
Zygote (12 HAP)	2.9829326666666667	0.184568	6.19093
Zygote (24 HAP)	2.9397366666666667	2.61549	3.17736
Daughter cell (apical)	2.61863	2.04742	3.17576
Daughter cell (basal)	1.5086066666666667	1.19912	1.90073
Embryo	2.1478874444444442	0.105593	4.74728
Nucellus	5.94724	5.46202	6.43246
Endopserm	0.8683081785714286	0.0395545	2.44802
Kernel	1.9778564166666666	0.887661	4.01194
Kernel (germinating)	3.2542150000000003	1.36174	5.14669
Seeds	3.5574062424242423	0.388468	6.60384
Embryo Sac	4.88962	2.45805	7.32119
Pericarp and aleurone	1.25265	1.25265	1.25265
Coleoptile (5 day)	4.887716666666667	4.01294	5.66469
Seedling	2.323514434782609	0.927352	4.73933
Internode	1.8241542857142858	1.39882	2.57361
Sheath	1.9863049999999998	1.90099	2.07162
Shoot (apex)	1.641712256	0.180874	3.76646
Shoot	1.8134635000000001	0.704922	2.6172
Whole plant	3.5380149999999997	1.71061	5.29597
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	1.601755	1.37114	1.83237
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	1.17683	1.04993	1.25091
Apical meristem	1.74278	1.74278	1.74278
Stem and meristem	2.37399	2.01938	2.7286
Stems	1.9547337500000002	1.25713	2.29917
Stem (Internode)	2.56817	2.33848	2.87002
Leaf	1.8923477765765766	0.0466481	16.3499
Leaf (apex)	2.541245	2.12547	2.95702
Leaf (bundle sheath)	0.517544	0.267912	0.767176
Leaf (mesophyll)	0.5475603333333333	0.30566	0.722623
Leaf (seedlings)	0.42508044	0.081517	1.68142
Leaf and kernel	1.1033251666666666	0.566011	1.39168
Ear (leaf)	0.606521	0.606521	0.606521
Root	2.2312174583333335	0.645835	5.43293
Root (elongation zone)	2.0542875	1.02476	3.5573
Root (meristematic zone)	1.16322	1.14274	1.1837
Root (stele)	0.74012	0.574619	0.902246
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	3.30998	3.30998	3.30998
Secondary root	2.25771	2.25771	2.25771
Root, root hairs removed	2.46871	2.46871	2.46871
Root (maturation zone)	1.48287	1.48287	1.48287