condition mean min max Egg cell 15.681786666666667 0.0 38.3065 Ovary 148.33700000000002 102.548 176.597 Ovule 237.66575 119.12 540.281 Microspore 25.48692186 0.0 118.959 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 4.196063281081081 0.0 15.8279 Pollen tube 25.9457 12.7578 37.0984 Sperm cell 230.99008142857144 0.382137 660.032 Pollen tube 25.9457 12.7578 37.0984 Tassels (primordia) 998.5409999999999 811.085 1227.46 Tassels (anther) 272.8188307692308 64.8316 827.031 Tassels 993.6453375 12.821 4463.8 Silk 138.54485 25.1217 251.968 Ear 1277.861478 2.50768 2552.24 Ear (immature) 2125.355 1391.69 3598.89 Ear (inflorescence) 2002.4850000000001 1784.53 2220.44 Ear (primordia) 1029.5 285.319 2283.25 Zygote (12 HAP) 78.0307 63.5956 95.6795 Zygote (24 HAP) 266.2696666666667 152.29 371.321 Daughter cell (apical) 57.95976666666667 22.004 76.5915 Daughter cell (basal) 107.90306666666666 60.8442 143.04 Embryo 96.28531444444444 1.01672 191.242 Nucellus 487.06399999999996 450.464 523.664 Endopserm 148.33351642857144 9.78803 837.476 Kernel 232.22875 19.0459 979.336 Kernel (germinating) 127.2353 48.8646 205.606 Seeds 128.34399387878787 0.978058 603.036 Embryo Sac 98.4108 42.1696 154.652 Pericarp and aleurone 18.0998 18.0998 18.0998 Coleoptile (5 day) 48.7893 44.2538 54.9898 Seedling 96.73498173913043 3.10239 719.788 Internode 112.39327142857142 10.1385 585.034 Sheath 187.79649999999998 154.953 220.64 Shoot (apex) 248.4654992 10.9015 847.997 Shoot 217.41250833333334 11.3406 336.389 Whole plant 127.4132 21.3084 288.058 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 598.1735 495.671 700.676 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 306.1906666666667 206.94 406.896 Apical meristem 998.964 998.964 998.964 Stem and meristem 336.88300000000004 312.339 361.427 Stems 28.716475 10.5576 55.5548 Stem (Internode) 32.21083333333333 19.0671 38.9447 Leaf 11.283165396396397 0.106197 270.067 Leaf (apex) 968.3185000000001 935.277 1001.36 Leaf (bundle sheath) 12.49962 8.04634 16.9529 Leaf (mesophyll) 6.8966199999999995 5.88521 8.63899 Leaf (seedlings) 3.1334392666666666 0.403784 9.74242 Leaf and kernel 10.981606666666666 6.70665 18.3018 Ear (leaf) 4.59314 4.59314 4.59314 Root 150.87266145833334 3.6656 472.566 Root (elongation zone) 355.33425 132.899 650.151 Root (meristematic zone) 229.9155 199.013 260.818 Root (stele) 44.35665 15.0584 73.1072 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 228.459 228.459 228.459 Secondary root 373.963 373.963 373.963 Root, root hairs removed 177.85 177.85 177.85 Root (maturation zone) 567.059 567.059 567.059