condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	7.541766666666667	4.89706	10.6224
Ovary	0.9025873333333333	0.666182	1.03454
Ovule	6.8284125	3.42192	9.24969
Microspore	1.7479704	0.227231	3.7724
Bicellular microspore	0.0	0.0	0.0
Pollen (mature)	0.13364135135135136	0.0	1.06199
Pollen tube	0.016230766666666667	0.0	0.028579
Sperm cell	0.44630014285714287	0.0	1.48351
Pollen tube	0.016230766666666667	0.0	0.028579
Tassels (primordia)	7.7954075000000005	6.03046	9.01795
Tassels (anther)	10.8812	1.44272	24.521
Tassels	7.6531325	1.48113	13.9404
Silk	5.416275	1.28889	9.54366
Ear	13.291259	1.82847	48.3155
Ear (immature)	5.75072	4.49383	8.31983
Ear (inflorescence)	2.8745950000000002	2.32046	3.42873
Ear (primordia)	8.187438333333333	3.05217	11.6148
Zygote (12 HAP)	6.95129	3.96862	9.60877
Zygote (24 HAP)	6.32543	2.6913	11.7507
Daughter cell (apical)	11.61931	9.50723	14.8442
Daughter cell (basal)	9.13063	4.20028	18.4109
Embryo	6.732553333333334	2.79496	11.6884
Nucellus	33.97285	32.1769	35.7688
Endopserm	1.1496682142857142	0.226597	3.15602
Kernel	3.7393875	1.27836	8.97766
Kernel (germinating)	17.51315	7.7456	27.2807
Seeds	7.078898363636363	0.37124	17.3133
Embryo Sac	7.57638	5.40464	9.74812
Pericarp and aleurone	3.87134	3.87134	3.87134
Coleoptile (5 day)	65.60356666666667	64.8151	66.0302
Seedling	34.8548	5.64097	94.7101
Internode	31.719722857142855	7.04576	76.4714
Sheath	22.0586	20.187	23.9302
Shoot (apex)	14.85529288	2.99606	46.6988
Shoot	24.87745	12.9826	52.2692
Whole plant	12.9125225	5.30647	18.9668
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	9.106575	8.67306	9.54009
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	11.172483333333334	9.00165	12.6615
Apical meristem	12.5293	12.5293	12.5293
Stem and meristem	7.521515	6.95387	8.08916
Stems	14.2942575	7.78814	22.5221
Stem (Internode)	22.678266666666666	16.5421	28.9654
Leaf	53.39630481981982	0.804226	626.167
Leaf (apex)	10.429839999999999	9.82138	11.0383
Leaf (bundle sheath)	99.01044999999999	50.7309	147.29
Leaf (mesophyll)	108.46073333333334	81.5132	126.992
Leaf (seedlings)	8.013421666666666	0.585625	35.0618
Leaf and kernel	34.04651666666667	27.1902	40.3397
Ear (leaf)	2.6229	2.6229	2.6229
Root	14.299600833333333	2.73683	74.3273
Root (elongation zone)	28.95218	7.89897	52.9303
Root (meristematic zone)	17.7167	13.6554	21.778
Root (stele)	23.286405000000002	2.23862	39.4532
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	28.7741	28.7741	28.7741
Secondary root	4.02432	4.02432	4.02432
Root, root hairs removed	24.1825	24.1825	24.1825
Root (maturation zone)	8.75241	8.75241	8.75241