condition mean min max Egg cell 25.189533333333333 20.0118 31.5205 Ovary 14.857133333333334 11.3993 16.7877 Ovule 53.0685 33.3907 87.5829 Microspore 14.6293228 0.590074 48.1999 Bicellular microspore 1.08638 1.08638 1.08638 Pollen (mature) 0.22408057027027026 0.0 1.61172 Pollen tube 0.242964 0.0 0.459933 Sperm cell 15.393516 0.0 36.9083 Pollen tube 0.242964 0.0 0.459933 Tassels (primordia) 35.1558 32.5183 38.2727 Tassels (anther) 27.915653846153845 16.7533 37.8897 Tassels 25.30283625 9.33919 46.1565 Silk 42.63245 30.0012 55.2637 Ear 43.92399 18.0768 97.8655 Ear (immature) 30.136383333333335 28.6743 32.6061 Ear (inflorescence) 66.60374999999999 59.2144 73.9931 Ear (primordia) 42.64856666666667 13.8419 69.5611 Zygote (12 HAP) 20.087866666666667 13.2354 27.0958 Zygote (24 HAP) 16.95009 8.81847 23.4254 Daughter cell (apical) 54.897133333333336 49.4868 63.9417 Daughter cell (basal) 59.56 49.7139 75.6495 Embryo 36.986666666666665 10.5129 58.3071 Nucellus 50.209649999999996 46.6414 53.7779 Endopserm 7.5119935714285715 1.0442 19.7952 Kernel 16.241780833333333 7.18684 29.5046 Kernel (germinating) 32.430949999999996 32.3804 32.4815 Seeds 35.48947 7.64573 59.6985 Embryo Sac 57.3672 36.7157 78.0187 Pericarp and aleurone 8.13384 8.13384 8.13384 Coleoptile (5 day) 73.86723333333333 71.1562 78.1884 Seedling 16.568795217391305 3.0458 53.1199 Internode 32.97947142857143 25.9908 56.8749 Sheath 52.69445 51.1136 54.2753 Shoot (apex) 46.8568592 28.8193 64.6222 Shoot 12.976841666666667 3.48916 23.5804 Whole plant 13.79595 11.8464 14.869 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 31.1498 30.706 31.5936 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 27.032433333333334 23.074 29.5667 Apical meristem 32.5088 32.5088 32.5088 Stem and meristem 45.3848 44.8255 45.9441 Stems 41.8535875 25.0734 62.7697 Stem (Internode) 37.59823333333333 31.0257 47.746 Leaf 11.924032972972974 1.01597 56.7047 Leaf (apex) 26.49275 22.979 30.0065 Leaf (bundle sheath) 5.33671 1.98297 8.69045 Leaf (mesophyll) 3.479503333333333 2.65907 4.89255 Leaf (seedlings) 2.9128782666666666 0.742414 6.15722 Leaf and kernel 5.442768333333333 3.8879 7.8801 Ear (leaf) 5.52388 5.52388 5.52388 Root 31.6024625 11.5217 59.2318 Root (elongation zone) 57.749375 42.4791 71.6103 Root (meristematic zone) 48.11005 44.8781 51.342 Root (stele) 36.2283 33.3773 39.0732 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 38.6932 38.6932 38.6932 Secondary root 42.6907 42.6907 42.6907 Root, root hairs removed 25.2437 25.2437 25.2437 Root (maturation zone) 32.4936 32.4936 32.4936