condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	10.962213333333333	8.48904	15.155
Ovary	1.2899076666666667	0.850483	1.6891
Ovule	4.229395	1.60933	7.76766
Microspore	0.42169883999999996	0.0	2.05889
Bicellular microspore	0.0	0.0	0.0
Pollen (mature)	1.589595327027027	0.0	25.6318
Pollen tube	0.02111086666666667	0.0138519	0.0322525
Sperm cell	0.0	0.0	0.0
Pollen tube	0.02111086666666667	0.0138519	0.0322525
Tassels (primordia)	4.979825	3.24406	8.53143
Tassels (anther)	4.784014923076923	0.498042	16.7389
Tassels	2.13366125	0.87777	4.32939
Silk	2.035324	0.950148	3.1205
Ear	2.986736	1.58565	6.07119
Ear (immature)	2.428495	1.86622	2.71635
Ear (inflorescence)	1.5813350000000002	1.43699	1.72568
Ear (primordia)	2.74728	1.54597	4.9644
Zygote (12 HAP)	40.704033333333335	26.8199	56.3387
Zygote (24 HAP)	34.24686666666667	33.1871	34.9281
Daughter cell (apical)	5.49863	4.07992	7.31852
Daughter cell (basal)	6.549346666666667	4.33709	8.41613
Embryo	13.43973888888889	2.94749	27.6557
Nucellus	4.202215000000001	4.08401	4.32042
Endopserm	2.084794842857143	0.0906898	18.8923
Kernel	6.827693583333333	0.908433	32.2713
Kernel (germinating)	40.375225	7.48405	73.2664
Seeds	4.980389181818182	0.683846	18.0517
Embryo Sac	5.184675	3.21722	7.15213
Pericarp and aleurone	13.5453	13.5453	13.5453
Coleoptile (5 day)	4.461543333333333	4.18914	4.62771
Seedling	2.162330434782609	0.467189	12.2774
Internode	2.4499154285714284	0.385168	5.61701
Sheath	1.5153945	0.884869	2.14592
Shoot (apex)	3.24362152	0.410197	43.1945
Shoot	2.5545121666666666	0.768188	11.7968
Whole plant	19.4034975	1.39313	62.994
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	0.9087160000000001	0.786812	1.03062
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	2.1994966666666667	1.15545	2.73279
Apical meristem	2.66301	2.66301	2.66301
Stem and meristem	2.87312	2.39811	3.34813
Stems	1.389628625	0.427519	2.47332
Stem (Internode)	2.811418333333333	0.554915	6.27632
Leaf	7.185811340540541	0.0	99.5201
Leaf (apex)	2.814515	1.12375	4.50528
Leaf (bundle sheath)	0.3036715	0.210497	0.396846
Leaf (mesophyll)	0.5034923333333333	0.353442	0.585447
Leaf (seedlings)	1.574486	0.0	10.5659
Leaf and kernel	2.7011473333333336	0.0	12.7269
Ear (leaf)	0.79018	0.79018	0.79018
Root	9.057826770833334	1.61728	45.1127
Root (elongation zone)	2.156794	0.959456	3.94912
Root (meristematic zone)	4.54272	4.42671	4.65873
Root (stele)	7.382045	5.39492	9.08328
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	17.4934	17.4934	17.4934
Secondary root	6.72058	6.72058	6.72058
Root, root hairs removed	4.11526	4.11526	4.11526
Root (maturation zone)	4.63936	4.63936	4.63936