condition mean min max Egg cell 21.566276666666667 6.536 48.3882 Ovary 8.519013333333334 5.55339 10.8993 Ovule 25.919800000000002 19.1101 40.2683 Microspore 0.20423200000000002 0.0 1.02116 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 2.102947708108108 0.0183972 4.9326 Pollen tube 4.398336666666666 3.15839 5.30399 Sperm cell 11.291496428571428 0.0 28.3995 Pollen tube 4.398336666666666 3.15839 5.30399 Tassels (primordia) 42.704075 38.3567 52.4754 Tassels (anther) 27.72729230769231 18.8894 50.0025 Tassels 36.8983875 13.3818 50.9188 Silk 45.3591 37.068 53.6502 Ear 58.90959 20.8416 130.853 Ear (immature) 41.95425 34.4179 51.0445 Ear (inflorescence) 26.1492 23.3135 28.9849 Ear (primordia) 30.906216666666666 14.5109 41.0058 Zygote (12 HAP) 65.0294 52.7852 82.9957 Zygote (24 HAP) 48.535500000000006 37.7916 69.3739 Daughter cell (apical) 20.2211 13.2209 32.3147 Daughter cell (basal) 11.57581 8.59483 14.573 Embryo 62.44441111111111 22.7403 115.272 Nucellus 99.70515 89.0713 110.339 Endopserm 66.52594285714285 29.473 109.926 Kernel 102.18085833333333 49.1438 174.901 Kernel (germinating) 52.59105 37.1769 68.0052 Seeds 81.04723333333334 35.2791 203.675 Embryo Sac 36.5717 30.2333 42.9101 Pericarp and aleurone 55.0906 55.0906 55.0906 Coleoptile (5 day) 69.04686666666667 60.6031 74.8772 Seedling 67.34187391304347 31.1853 147.247 Internode 93.62194285714286 25.4249 129.388 Sheath 77.52455 75.771 79.2781 Shoot (apex) 44.817568 19.6179 74.8525 Shoot 50.422875 40.0098 66.1971 Whole plant 101.06765 67.1034 125.103 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 35.63885 32.3948 38.8829 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 62.387566666666665 41.5841 98.2253 Apical meristem 20.5065 20.5065 20.5065 Stem and meristem 44.77185 39.7962 49.7475 Stems 72.4144625 22.5228 129.822 Stem (Internode) 128.86266666666666 103.606 146.376 Leaf 80.11776036036036 14.8236 261.325 Leaf (apex) 20.29595 19.3438 21.2481 Leaf (bundle sheath) 58.811049999999994 55.6292 61.9929 Leaf (mesophyll) 60.27023333333333 52.8038 69.216 Leaf (seedlings) 23.079106666666668 4.34626 60.8828 Leaf and kernel 65.80171666666666 50.24 80.7272 Ear (leaf) 66.6758 66.6758 66.6758 Root 49.71763229166667 18.6841 109.539 Root (elongation zone) 20.8372 17.7235 23.2737 Root (meristematic zone) 14.64875 14.0514 15.2461 Root (stele) 70.57565 53.6434 86.4274 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 30.4463 30.4463 30.4463 Secondary root 27.0405 27.0405 27.0405 Root, root hairs removed 26.7993 26.7993 26.7993 Root (maturation zone) 18.2738 18.2738 18.2738