condition mean min max Egg cell 6.906973333333333 2.5394 13.6142 Ovary 20.487433333333335 15.0038 26.4784 Ovule 38.594097500000004 7.55151 120.322 Microspore 0.36917098 0.0301999 0.753498 Bicellular microspore 0.0973009 0.0973009 0.0973009 Pollen (mature) 0.22916875945945947 0.0 1.94957 Pollen tube 0.04587831333333333 0.00868648 0.0752646 Sperm cell 0.05025777142857143 0.0 0.257749 Pollen tube 0.04587831333333333 0.00868648 0.0752646 Tassels (primordia) 72.334675 62.9262 83.081 Tassels (anther) 113.04891538461538 63.0918 171.109 Tassels 87.044375 29.191 141.494 Silk 52.3797 16.6812 88.0782 Ear 82.66568 47.5546 145.398 Ear (immature) 91.02708333333334 74.3471 107.958 Ear (inflorescence) 84.02289999999999 75.19 92.8558 Ear (primordia) 106.72245 69.6685 138.813 Zygote (12 HAP) 21.961366666666667 14.4032 30.2084 Zygote (24 HAP) 23.11713333333333 16.9377 26.9241 Daughter cell (apical) 9.170636666666667 4.37614 18.4775 Daughter cell (basal) 4.815816666666667 2.61989 6.38599 Embryo 34.42306555555555 1.67489 68.0545 Nucellus 87.1315 83.1894 91.0736 Endopserm 5.365705214285715 0.434262 22.8918 Kernel 30.06699916666667 5.09649 76.2917 Kernel (germinating) 16.58915 11.974 21.2043 Seeds 47.74513090909091 5.10307 86.6524 Embryo Sac 21.0581 21.0417 21.0745 Pericarp and aleurone 15.2639 15.2639 15.2639 Coleoptile (5 day) 138.30866666666665 134.701 143.025 Seedling 71.0361 21.6881 137.15 Internode 26.90363142857143 6.86032 60.2737 Sheath 113.17384999999999 98.0167 128.331 Shoot (apex) 117.737636 37.3654 223.709 Shoot 61.74933333333333 26.8374 95.2891 Whole plant 38.5369 25.3735 49.4537 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 33.713 30.9431 36.4829 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 36.32696666666667 34.1122 40.4808 Apical meristem 63.5681 63.5681 63.5681 Stem and meristem 53.713899999999995 52.8934 54.5344 Stems 34.2785375 20.5586 49.1935 Stem (Internode) 29.848266666666667 13.6005 52.6519 Leaf 31.349574846846846 0.448298 130.023 Leaf (apex) 48.39005 46.7247 50.0554 Leaf (bundle sheath) 41.9998 21.1907 62.8089 Leaf (mesophyll) 54.72423333333333 39.2709 73.9957 Leaf (seedlings) 12.7730386 0.773709 50.8556 Leaf and kernel 58.804050000000004 39.444 75.5674 Ear (leaf) 11.7252 11.7252 11.7252 Root 26.035348854166667 5.43321 81.158 Root (elongation zone) 4.260295 1.61693 8.72854 Root (meristematic zone) 6.537039999999999 5.91588 7.1582 Root (stele) 91.28705 71.2593 112.331 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 20.7659 20.7659 20.7659 Secondary root 10.5722 10.5722 10.5722 Root, root hairs removed 12.7135 12.7135 12.7135 Root (maturation zone) 6.08918 6.08918 6.08918