condition mean min max Egg cell 27.8767 14.6663 53.249 Ovary 28.504966666666668 22.2928 38.0916 Ovule 22.677805 4.20425 69.3788 Microspore 16.9898388 0.0 84.1849 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 704.417308108108 10.2369 1551.12 Pollen tube 1349.9983333333334 1191.76 1465.08 Sperm cell 7.811274142857143 0.292864 16.8253 Pollen tube 1349.9983333333334 1191.76 1465.08 Tassels (primordia) 21.33955 13.426 27.4818 Tassels (anther) 53.59648461538462 40.9812 68.6838 Tassels 81.3699125 22.3858 160.208 Silk 97.9592 18.7244 177.194 Ear 25.9333 14.1911 41.926 Ear (immature) 51.31085 47.1109 53.4799 Ear (inflorescence) 17.5033 15.4236 19.583 Ear (primordia) 27.325783333333334 5.59647 86.8822 Zygote (12 HAP) 94.02473333333333 78.3493 115.62 Zygote (24 HAP) 43.426066666666664 34.0926 53.2032 Daughter cell (apical) 5.09368 2.87318 8.94715 Daughter cell (basal) 6.06932 5.21319 7.26762 Embryo 63.347546666666666 1.56702 354.011 Nucellus 49.66545 45.6452 53.6857 Endopserm 29.13268857142857 5.59024 66.9172 Kernel 47.00425333333333 9.90114 96.8141 Kernel (germinating) 93.32715 40.9343 145.72 Seeds 42.67140303030303 12.8846 121.629 Embryo Sac 29.340899999999998 20.1666 38.5152 Pericarp and aleurone 65.4074 65.4074 65.4074 Coleoptile (5 day) 15.686533333333333 12.256 21.5199 Seedling 37.51188695652174 14.679 114.296 Internode 41.212199999999996 31.1906 47.6906 Sheath 23.21815 20.4953 25.941 Shoot (apex) 53.8050336 22.946 116.635 Shoot 50.23994166666667 24.2726 93.8621 Whole plant 59.19375 46.3795 92.9417 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 43.267250000000004 40.1415 46.393 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 24.748933333333333 14.081 35.2266 Apical meristem 21.1606 21.1606 21.1606 Stem and meristem 25.6499 23.9957 27.3041 Stems 34.0149375 20.017 44.7528 Stem (Internode) 40.76813333333333 32.3898 49.2724 Leaf 34.28554261261261 1.87866 132.881 Leaf (apex) 51.93785 45.762 58.1137 Leaf (bundle sheath) 20.0141 11.4393 28.5889 Leaf (mesophyll) 18.278866666666666 10.0025 28.2564 Leaf (seedlings) 10.778194733333335 0.0 35.6117 Leaf and kernel 24.348483333333334 19.2382 32.0876 Ear (leaf) 45.1807 45.1807 45.1807 Root 53.06219895833333 17.536 105.887 Root (elongation zone) 68.21665 30.242 132.626 Root (meristematic zone) 20.4513 20.0901 20.8125 Root (stele) 55.99685 45.5474 67.1087 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 70.0108 70.0108 70.0108 Secondary root 81.3772 81.3772 81.3772 Root, root hairs removed 51.8083 51.8083 51.8083 Root (maturation zone) 50.8304 50.8304 50.8304