condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	8.74528	4.93953	13.7976
Ovary	3.6304133333333333	2.58362	4.1546
Ovule	10.33754	4.50686	22.0643
Microspore	2.79308274	0.0541187	6.36102
Bicellular microspore	0.237552	0.237552	0.237552
Pollen (mature)	0.2877068783783784	0.0277152	1.42942
Pollen tube	0.197466	0.103409	0.262287
Sperm cell	0.49084157142857143	0.154078	1.0933
Pollen tube	0.197466	0.103409	0.262287
Tassels (primordia)	35.209225	32.0622	44.2668
Tassels (anther)	19.008315384615386	13.9887	25.1061
Tassels	17.4869475	3.95077	39.4136
Silk	10.445175	2.27465	18.6157
Ear	21.060909	7.03231	47.4597
Ear (immature)	18.2323	14.443	21.357
Ear (inflorescence)	19.3958	13.1292	25.6624
Ear (primordia)	28.297945	4.84357	36.7424
Zygote (12 HAP)	6.9782166666666665	3.02908	10.1622
Zygote (24 HAP)	10.816136666666667	7.36737	15.9669
Daughter cell (apical)	11.70998	9.62384	15.4356
Daughter cell (basal)	7.04992	5.71665	7.88324
Embryo	26.341166666666666	10.1499	40.1092
Nucellus	44.63995	44.4252	44.8547
Endopserm	15.134564285714287	4.6213	28.1365
Kernel	19.627249166666665	4.17318	34.4028
Kernel (germinating)	20.912599999999998	20.3078	21.5174
Seeds	25.232821515151514	4.28968	38.8253
Embryo Sac	6.51938	6.48002	6.55874
Pericarp and aleurone	10.6438	10.6438	10.6438
Coleoptile (5 day)	23.1238	17.1621	26.4064
Seedling	21.46893652173913	7.43393	50.0432
Internode	19.994342857142858	11.671	25.491
Sheath	28.9944	24.229	33.7598
Shoot (apex)	25.0826624	10.5094	41.0568
Shoot	11.553375833333334	8.29851	20.752
Whole plant	17.710475	9.1511	27.7234
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	10.475000000000001	10.2315	10.7185
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	6.72979	5.81819	8.424
Apical meristem	28.7473	28.7473	28.7473
Stem and meristem	26.95655	26.8881	27.025
Stems	24.8408375	17.7364	32.8694
Stem (Internode)	21.2258	18.7232	22.5401
Leaf	14.745528288288288	1.33065	34.9393
Leaf (apex)	24.9636	21.2045	28.7227
Leaf (bundle sheath)	11.238715	5.31373	17.1637
Leaf (mesophyll)	11.014686666666668	8.42406	12.358
Leaf (seedlings)	7.204594666666667	1.16885	18.092
Leaf and kernel	7.721291666666667	6.17571	9.48606
Ear (leaf)	8.96057	8.96057	8.96057
Root	22.223682291666666	5.18066	45.564
Root (elongation zone)	17.5669575	7.2179	27.9463
Root (meristematic zone)	27.34395	23.9309	30.757
Root (stele)	31.66465	20.5252	37.0436
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	23.5183	23.5183	23.5183
Secondary root	9.86594	9.86594	9.86594
Root, root hairs removed	24.5124	24.5124	24.5124
Root (maturation zone)	12.4276	12.4276	12.4276