condition mean min max Egg cell 2.3831173333333333 0.383192 5.49631 Ovary 1.5589753333333334 0.823496 2.59515 Ovule 5.20896475 0.399439 14.1123 Microspore 2.91671996 0.0 14.4879 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.10950084054054053 0.0 0.598972 Pollen tube 0.03697415 0.0 0.0986464 Sperm cell 0.0072874 0.0 0.0510118 Pollen tube 0.03697415 0.0 0.0986464 Tassels (primordia) 12.80331 7.10134 18.2793 Tassels (anther) 14.668519230769231 3.06784 32.039 Tassels 28.9557225 4.76124 117.089 Silk 6.623836000000001 0.282272 12.9654 Ear 21.9477964 0.626874 45.7639 Ear (immature) 24.008966666666666 21.7587 28.0077 Ear (inflorescence) 10.362269999999999 9.18414 11.5404 Ear (primordia) 27.76372166666667 6.11468 89.5216 Zygote (12 HAP) 7.0235899999999996 4.38655 12.1519 Zygote (24 HAP) 6.581636666666667 4.6932 10.1095 Daughter cell (apical) 1.5584506666666667 0.380712 2.7182 Daughter cell (basal) 2.4892866666666666 1.45936 3.0158 Embryo 6.746433333333334 1.06716 11.9573 Nucellus 10.124839999999999 9.72048 10.5292 Endopserm 8.128948857142857 0.204487 41.9768 Kernel 13.597847083333333 0.659705 55.1755 Kernel (germinating) 17.088215 2.99983 31.1766 Seeds 5.495286636363637 0.0 21.2935 Embryo Sac 2.4269800000000004 1.5497 3.30426 Pericarp and aleurone 2.51841 2.51841 2.51841 Coleoptile (5 day) 5.76059 4.15095 8.07807 Seedling 6.589765347826087 0.924183 26.0521 Internode 9.022287142857143 1.93108 26.4522 Sheath 14.471149999999998 12.8776 16.0647 Shoot (apex) 11.61209856 1.16521 38.3305 Shoot 22.196625833333332 3.00871 39.6455 Whole plant 7.900615 4.73309 9.80738 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 16.28425 13.8933 18.6752 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 5.29729 3.06793 6.46692 Apical meristem 28.8038 28.8038 28.8038 Stem and meristem 14.47055 12.8757 16.0654 Stems 3.747427875 0.4181 8.22068 Stem (Internode) 7.132393333333334 4.36392 11.2908 Leaf 6.054435468468468 0.0 21.0903 Leaf (apex) 32.54125 29.982 35.1005 Leaf (bundle sheath) 4.15453 2.62429 5.68477 Leaf (mesophyll) 3.280882666666667 0.577508 6.22632 Leaf (seedlings) 1.1900317333333335 0.0 2.7042 Leaf and kernel 2.8580516666666664 1.4478 3.62215 Ear (leaf) 2.76668 2.76668 2.76668 Root 9.420416697916666 0.936693 44.3798 Root (elongation zone) 12.176232500000001 5.37736 20.0252 Root (meristematic zone) 10.92895 10.4453 11.4126 Root (stele) 4.4970525 0.93288 7.89016 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 12.0963 12.0963 12.0963 Secondary root 24.7887 24.7887 24.7887 Root, root hairs removed 11.409 11.409 11.409 Root (maturation zone) 39.2281 39.2281 39.2281