condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	5.20875	3.01091	9.03042
Ovary	1.3215456666666667	0.880777	1.62632
Ovule	5.522825	3.02741	10.4882
Microspore	4.355506800000001	0.0	8.96038
Bicellular microspore	0.131118	0.131118	0.131118
Pollen (mature)	0.06270171648648648	0.0	0.804188
Pollen tube	0.01144277	0.00310035	0.0159492
Sperm cell	0.3344058714285714	0.0550836	0.911758
Pollen tube	0.01144277	0.00310035	0.0159492
Tassels (primordia)	15.4258	12.3518	17.2742
Tassels (anther)	7.439303076923077	2.72777	10.5944
Tassels	4.8706325	1.26963	13.5303
Silk	3.344074	0.315378	6.37277
Ear	7.460990000000001	1.36194	22.4995
Ear (immature)	5.204026666666667	3.34928	5.9041
Ear (inflorescence)	9.254865	6.39463	12.1151
Ear (primordia)	20.79314666666667	3.40078	35.451
Zygote (12 HAP)	3.7559433333333336	3.28182	4.50023
Zygote (24 HAP)	6.711896666666667	4.49444	9.29629
Daughter cell (apical)	12.514333333333333	9.39	14.2317
Daughter cell (basal)	7.614546666666667	6.39069	8.47006
Embryo	12.223843333333333	5.54705	18.7297
Nucellus	13.2908	12.8161	13.7655
Endopserm	3.211578285714286	0.205536	9.57192
Kernel	5.072103333333334	1.495	8.46653
Kernel (germinating)	5.576255	5.24311	5.9094
Seeds	8.197546969696969	1.16551	17.9255
Embryo Sac	8.465515	5.27203	11.659
Pericarp and aleurone	1.94717	1.94717	1.94717
Coleoptile (5 day)	8.697483333333334	5.99025	10.614
Seedling	3.2613941304347827	0.707584	10.4662
Internode	6.116947142857143	5.12618	7.07443
Sheath	8.435385	8.27973	8.59104
Shoot (apex)	7.55451368	1.69926	14.7346
Shoot	2.475861666666667	1.30104	4.98094
Whole plant	3.4489025	2.1957	4.20214
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	4.66803	4.2091	5.12696
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	2.9573666666666667	2.28574	4.17782
Apical meristem	15.9587	15.9587	15.9587
Stem and meristem	11.42025	10.6009	12.2396
Stems	10.40040875	6.1574	17.7149
Stem (Internode)	6.033313333333333	5.23444	7.3995
Leaf	3.7342023873873873	0.149167	25.6758
Leaf (apex)	12.015045	9.95219	14.0779
Leaf (bundle sheath)	1.7417894999999999	0.417079	3.0665
Leaf (mesophyll)	1.60023	1.0338	2.15944
Leaf (seedlings)	0.6724126	0.130334	1.31706
Leaf and kernel	0.784833	0.287944	1.80876
Ear (leaf)	1.76834	1.76834	1.76834
Root	5.564681489583333	0.376254	15.2307
Root (elongation zone)	2.02410675	0.852657	3.50633
Root (meristematic zone)	12.3728	12.008	12.7376
Root (stele)	7.555095	7.02004	8.31875
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	4.83595	4.83595	4.83595
Secondary root	3.57537	3.57537	3.57537
Root, root hairs removed	6.12996	6.12996	6.12996
Root (maturation zone)	6.75648	6.75648	6.75648