condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	2.9178266666666666	1.57577	4.25975
Ovary	0.7881856666666667	0.620936	1.00714
Ovule	6.25658	2.57857	11.6364
Microspore	4.0352924	0.381712	6.98086
Bicellular microspore	0.17081	0.17081	0.17081
Pollen (mature)	0.8501785783783784	0.0251044	2.61625
Pollen tube	0.5273993333333333	0.496537	0.578996
Sperm cell	0.5265698571428572	0.18418	1.42846
Pollen tube	0.5273993333333333	0.496537	0.578996
Tassels (primordia)	20.274225	16.2902	28.3448
Tassels (anther)	14.093953076923077	8.93629	18.3384
Tassels	7.30440375	1.92899	18.3865
Silk	4.0303565	0.408893	7.65182
Ear	8.371605	2.42477	20.0836
Ear (immature)	7.200833333333334	4.1375	8.48423
Ear (inflorescence)	13.28185	10.9749	15.5888
Ear (primordia)	17.334525	4.28085	20.7351
Zygote (12 HAP)	7.058873333333333	4.75339	8.84508
Zygote (24 HAP)	5.151014	0.784062	7.50474
Daughter cell (apical)	7.600996666666667	6.37657	9.62119
Daughter cell (basal)	4.692206666666666	3.50525	5.29668
Embryo	9.476132222222223	1.81837	16.5448
Nucellus	14.29645	12.7971	15.7958
Endopserm	4.664125	1.01198	10.5853
Kernel	7.3906675	1.06756	10.1862
Kernel (germinating)	7.48241	6.62193	8.34289
Seeds	9.345630909090909	2.25278	15.8211
Embryo Sac	9.687735	5.21967	14.1558
Pericarp and aleurone	2.74599	2.74599	2.74599
Coleoptile (5 day)	8.09615	6.07524	9.18062
Seedling	5.2201513043478265	1.60863	7.72353
Internode	4.638968571428571	4.11062	5.65791
Sheath	11.579775000000001	9.66205	13.4975
Shoot (apex)	8.84066792	1.21055	16.8215
Shoot	2.9603183333333334	1.73343	6.59773
Whole plant	4.677435	4.01443	5.64481
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	3.908785	3.83838	3.97919
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	3.87888	3.22996	4.46244
Apical meristem	16.8995	16.8995	16.8995
Stem and meristem	10.31806	9.84052	10.7956
Stems	8.0366975	4.56043	14.5765
Stem (Internode)	4.55927	3.97133	5.28629
Leaf	4.110365900900901	0.314792	28.1555
Leaf (apex)	12.5881	11.2352	13.941
Leaf (bundle sheath)	3.301319	0.958428	5.64421
Leaf (mesophyll)	3.8106166666666668	3.28607	4.34932
Leaf (seedlings)	1.5718308666666667	0.242756	3.80246
Leaf and kernel	1.4467885	0.912801	1.84922
Ear (leaf)	2.2343	2.2343	2.2343
Root	6.044080427083333	0.851071	16.8565
Root (elongation zone)	4.29649	1.56525	6.92335
Root (meristematic zone)	13.81145	13.451	14.1719
Root (stele)	8.194415	7.43964	9.9186
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	7.10422	7.10422	7.10422
Secondary root	3.31712	3.31712	3.31712
Root, root hairs removed	7.37015	7.37015	7.37015
Root (maturation zone)	6.20339	6.20339	6.20339