condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	63.226733333333335	41.4156	87.1179
Ovary	7.431376666666667	5.87889	8.62541
Ovule	41.6907	22.5203	61.2017
Microspore	24.357794	1.40247	60.1397
Bicellular microspore	1.80674	1.80674	1.80674
Pollen (mature)	28.07731081081081	14.6083	58.4779
Pollen tube	14.1327	12.9485	15.408
Sperm cell	21.950694285714285	5.6204	50.9381
Pollen tube	14.1327	12.9485	15.408
Tassels (primordia)	60.042225	51.1563	65.7306
Tassels (anther)	105.44081538461539	73.1082	144.625
Tassels	95.58240125	7.75261	190.287
Silk	46.9936	37.2787	56.7085
Ear	54.06666	20.1032	108.526
Ear (immature)	29.85435	22.3652	33.0111
Ear (inflorescence)	35.4323	30.5059	40.3587
Ear (primordia)	54.379533333333335	12.107	78.0702
Zygote (12 HAP)	66.4218	51.7042	82.2652
Zygote (24 HAP)	83.21443333333333	74.8903	95.6015
Daughter cell (apical)	34.00286666666666	30.9665	37.876
Daughter cell (basal)	32.947	32.0159	33.9167
Embryo	69.23814444444444	25.7088	105.419
Nucellus	60.83205	57.3644	64.2997
Endopserm	72.19120714285714	18.2718	132.471
Kernel	98.9174	52.3961	196.485
Kernel (germinating)	119.6035	114.604	124.603
Seeds	87.97242727272727	15.148	126.414
Embryo Sac	37.07895	36.3018	37.8561
Pericarp and aleurone	33.1374	33.1374	33.1374
Coleoptile (5 day)	42.084133333333334	35.0365	45.8577
Seedling	49.45669130434783	18.895	83.9684
Internode	77.7166	51.454	127.177
Sheath	77.8066	75.1441	80.4691
Shoot (apex)	67.9761304	40.4416	94.6481
Shoot	42.444316666666666	28.2354	66.2467
Whole plant	49.3876	29.4948	60.549
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	31.2764	28.6607	33.8921
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	32.662366666666664	29.4618	36.5325
Apical meristem	58.9745	58.9745	58.9745
Stem and meristem	108.255	107.878	108.632
Stems	84.7962375	44.7539	136.507
Stem (Internode)	57.096	45.9541	64.1861
Leaf	42.39429936936937	7.04383	120.204
Leaf (apex)	45.940650000000005	42.4178	49.4635
Leaf (bundle sheath)	37.48505	21.7401	53.23
Leaf (mesophyll)	32.86173333333333	29.2959	37.9121
Leaf (seedlings)	16.735414	1.43683	42.0637
Leaf and kernel	19.174533333333333	15.1444	24.7304
Ear (leaf)	23.8232	23.8232	23.8232
Root	94.26714791666667	30.134	161.999
Root (elongation zone)	117.47057500000001	75.9218	155.985
Root (meristematic zone)	121.102	117.222	124.982
Root (stele)	79.008175	70.4854	101.785
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	126.546	126.546	126.546
Secondary root	116.716	116.716	116.716
Root, root hairs removed	118.336	118.336	118.336
Root (maturation zone)	85.3542	85.3542	85.3542