condition mean min max Egg cell 36.55603333333333 30.5665 47.069 Ovary 4.174343333333333 2.81357 5.27182 Ovule 25.703924999999998 14.1191 37.5526 Microspore 9.912342 1.32071 18.079 Bicellular microspore 1.63371 1.63371 1.63371 Pollen (mature) 4.496042162162162 1.63186 13.1099 Pollen tube 1.4416 1.32082 1.53817 Sperm cell 0.6231739000000001 0.0955923 2.32988 Pollen tube 1.4416 1.32082 1.53817 Tassels (primordia) 51.547725 43.4677 59.5509 Tassels (anther) 61.7519076923077 32.4549 89.7964 Tassels 35.423115 2.12603 64.7022 Silk 25.606985 5.07777 46.1362 Ear 28.87385 11.1809 54.9511 Ear (immature) 20.34975 15.4367 24.7409 Ear (inflorescence) 21.391 13.8873 28.8947 Ear (primordia) 41.20865666666666 2.51704 52.0059 Zygote (12 HAP) 22.459799999999998 16.6897 32.8082 Zygote (24 HAP) 18.421866666666666 16.7653 19.737 Daughter cell (apical) 20.070333333333334 16.2757 24.7159 Daughter cell (basal) 22.0211 12.0156 28.9346 Embryo 40.65385444444444 5.44299 65.3668 Nucellus 61.92275 59.4893 64.3562 Endopserm 14.253135 3.05421 26.9011 Kernel 23.564016666666667 5.6808 38.5237 Kernel (germinating) 39.5635 30.0909 49.0361 Seeds 42.39110484848485 5.64642 72.3629 Embryo Sac 17.6792 14.5949 20.7635 Pericarp and aleurone 12.3064 12.3064 12.3064 Coleoptile (5 day) 34.280833333333334 23.9064 39.8068 Seedling 31.01834695652174 6.64378 51.8323 Internode 43.52632857142857 22.5073 49.5758 Sheath 56.65075 52.1439 61.1576 Shoot (apex) 43.58965736 9.63667 67.6004 Shoot 16.2951625 6.33565 30.4712 Whole plant 20.818475 14.9511 24.6616 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 16.3866 13.7858 18.9874 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 18.196766666666665 15.7738 22.9684 Apical meristem 43.1328 43.1328 43.1328 Stem and meristem 55.2724 54.1829 56.3619 Stems 59.01135 48.5137 75.6262 Stem (Internode) 48.1495 45.27 52.1234 Leaf 18.51348855855856 1.94495 44.5793 Leaf (apex) 33.2952 28.0166 38.5738 Leaf (bundle sheath) 13.59021 6.25582 20.9246 Leaf (mesophyll) 13.963933333333333 11.5009 16.6971 Leaf (seedlings) 11.232962666666667 2.87653 22.4861 Leaf and kernel 11.532933333333332 8.9203 13.7608 Ear (leaf) 16.027 16.027 16.027 Root 45.51483708333333 4.87769 86.0456 Root (elongation zone) 55.75765 12.7568 106.264 Root (meristematic zone) 58.8966 55.2024 62.5908 Root (stele) 58.5028 51.9483 61.7761 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 56.2558 56.2558 56.2558 Secondary root 15.7 15.7 15.7 Root, root hairs removed 46.4145 46.4145 46.4145 Root (maturation zone) 17.6454 17.6454 17.6454