condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	1.014529	0.207861	2.42243
Ovary	482.3933333333333	369.19	601.549
Ovule	331.83957250000003	4.87517	1302.16
Microspore	16.0654785	0.025956	78.4461
Bicellular microspore	0.0	0.0	0.0
Pollen (mature)	0.8525970324324325	0.0	3.93866
Pollen tube	2.414346666666667	1.07833	3.86044
Sperm cell	0.4922116142857143	0.0	2.04177
Pollen tube	2.414346666666667	1.07833	3.86044
Tassels (primordia)	1174.84	1137.87	1248.23
Tassels (anther)	496.7818461538461	183.679	1479.76
Tassels	715.28895	48.9196	2491.0
Silk	185.47850000000003	18.91	352.047
Ear	937.2891500000001	86.7115	1511.4
Ear (immature)	2099.508333333333	1694.56	2372.08
Ear (inflorescence)	2326.23	1851.74	2800.72
Ear (primordia)	1181.5261666666665	223.193	1716.74
Zygote (12 HAP)	5.10195	2.37947	7.63442
Zygote (24 HAP)	7.469626666666667	7.45558	7.48153
Daughter cell (apical)	3.4851033333333334	2.06516	4.43855
Daughter cell (basal)	5.5142	3.16649	9.02778
Embryo	354.9974888888889	64.9787	788.428
Nucellus	1384.845	1237.45	1532.24
Endopserm	150.6345142857143	29.1174	533.792
Kernel	656.6551666666667	107.588	1970.23
Kernel (germinating)	707.383	177.016	1237.75
Seeds	297.8301909090909	19.2459	1268.31
Embryo Sac	6.534739999999999	6.38878	6.6807
Pericarp and aleurone	193.921	193.921	193.921
Coleoptile (5 day)	57.010333333333335	56.2311	57.4628
Seedling	183.05455217391304	34.8539	840.934
Internode	388.1948	99.7986	1515.16
Sheath	256.115	226.658	285.572
Shoot (apex)	1055.10708	174.845	2304.02
Shoot	251.31116666666668	140.239	371.275
Whole plant	188.33175	113.788	245.605
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	1228.8899999999999	1184.51	1273.27
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	100.81963333333333	93.9673	114.445
Apical meristem	1226.71	1226.71	1226.71
Stem and meristem	538.4635	531.944	544.983
Stems	226.720125	110.775	345.204
Stem (Internode)	211.15133333333333	172.635	244.694
Leaf	117.85134153153153	6.20541	618.151
Leaf (apex)	1486.01	1465.9	1506.12
Leaf (bundle sheath)	115.7655	109.937	121.594
Leaf (mesophyll)	64.79356666666666	59.0508	76.1854
Leaf (seedlings)	31.830367333333335	4.91489	106.869
Leaf and kernel	116.00241666666668	64.5955	196.637
Ear (leaf)	53.4276	53.4276	53.4276
Root	248.09173333333334	82.0205	573.024
Root (elongation zone)	374.81775	186.921	574.34
Root (meristematic zone)	256.058	217.511	294.605
Root (stele)	169.4856	92.7734	220.182
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	281.348	281.348	281.348
Secondary root	490.95	490.95	490.95
Root, root hairs removed	388.739	388.739	388.739
Root (maturation zone)	542.878	542.878	542.878