condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	10.75346	3.33778	16.3637
Ovary	1.4814433333333332	1.20485	1.62659
Ovule	13.4771575	9.20823	20.2506
Microspore	4.4157284	0.436332	10.4031
Bicellular microspore	0.0839293	0.0839293	0.0839293
Pollen (mature)	0.12837403783783785	0.0	0.784321
Pollen tube	0.06436613333333334	0.0402776	0.126338
Sperm cell	0.3207657857142857	0.0	1.06365
Pollen tube	0.06436613333333334	0.0402776	0.126338
Tassels (primordia)	18.917075	14.4475	22.0436
Tassels (anther)	12.09547846153846	8.71709	17.151
Tassels	8.40464	2.77318	15.9206
Silk	4.707255	3.76713	5.64738
Ear	11.298332	3.24852	22.7868
Ear (immature)	7.822618333333333	6.36979	9.70759
Ear (inflorescence)	7.1618200000000005	5.49731	8.82633
Ear (primordia)	15.978648333333334	2.25369	24.0772
Zygote (12 HAP)	4.350933333333334	1.77035	6.932
Zygote (24 HAP)	5.268806666666666	3.92136	6.2884
Daughter cell (apical)	8.01071	5.27193	10.0034
Daughter cell (basal)	7.243633333333333	4.30585	10.0369
Embryo	13.789026666666667	6.54505	21.06
Nucellus	13.9642	13.0276	14.9008
Endopserm	3.420868	0.302549	7.57727
Kernel	5.901836666666666	3.56775	9.26011
Kernel (germinating)	10.50865	10.0115	11.0058
Seeds	10.626461212121212	2.03256	17.2512
Embryo Sac	17.273850000000003	17.2526	17.2951
Pericarp and aleurone	5.19034	5.19034	5.19034
Coleoptile (5 day)	18.0304	17.1629	19.3374
Seedling	6.86652347826087	1.99288	12.9075
Internode	16.35738142857143	7.61347	20.5242
Sheath	10.86355	10.7499	10.9772
Shoot (apex)	10.85363112	6.0355	21.8695
Shoot	5.5586475	3.52157	9.32545
Whole plant	7.4861	5.67288	8.45288
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	6.67873	6.37271	6.98475
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	15.498666666666665	10.3423	19.1958
Apical meristem	15.941	15.941	15.941
Stem and meristem	12.1658	11.7458	12.5858
Stems	17.2740125	13.3423	21.1182
Stem (Internode)	18.655033333333336	15.2047	22.6844
Leaf	7.74705018018018	1.50338	16.964
Leaf (apex)	11.07175	10.9385	11.205
Leaf (bundle sheath)	4.839119999999999	3.45263	6.22561
Leaf (mesophyll)	5.133163333333333	3.92997	6.4403
Leaf (seedlings)	2.577364333333333	0.344137	7.4103
Leaf and kernel	3.568016666666667	2.75155	4.45211
Ear (leaf)	4.97043	4.97043	4.97043
Root	10.902763333333333	4.32248	20.4517
Root (elongation zone)	3.379905	2.03066	6.08243
Root (meristematic zone)	13.86015	13.412	14.3083
Root (stele)	13.671425	12.2734	15.9886
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	11.0022	11.0022	11.0022
Secondary root	5.08336	5.08336	5.08336
Root, root hairs removed	8.57976	8.57976	8.57976
Root (maturation zone)	8.39191	8.39191	8.39191