condition mean min max Egg cell 7.460836666666667 1.60423 11.5594 Ovary 5.903503333333334 4.22843 7.00846 Ovule 10.13067 2.73462 28.0103 Microspore 0.67057902 0.0513651 1.42804 Bicellular microspore 0.165493 0.165493 0.165493 Pollen (mature) 18.950104594594595 2.37753 36.026 Pollen tube 13.10585 12.0862 15.5564 Sperm cell 1.123033857142857 0.153326 2.51678 Pollen tube 13.10585 12.0862 15.5564 Tassels (primordia) 64.12797499999999 28.1636 101.621 Tassels (anther) 40.124530769230766 11.9737 57.9676 Tassels 31.89497625 1.60194 63.1971 Silk 31.84194 9.44538 54.2385 Ear 25.021228 7.05011 66.8857 Ear (immature) 14.021635 8.89931 16.6894 Ear (inflorescence) 32.12225 20.5437 43.7008 Ear (primordia) 25.16406 3.88836 38.3636 Zygote (12 HAP) 29.6497 15.9576 48.9601 Zygote (24 HAP) 11.589656666666666 4.06957 16.9769 Daughter cell (apical) 10.43939 5.57637 13.9769 Daughter cell (basal) 16.0674 11.7388 18.6567 Embryo 32.12275666666667 9.84471 51.6644 Nucellus 41.15015 36.1685 46.1318 Endopserm 16.41022142857143 8.69258 26.9144 Kernel 29.428325 18.9029 62.2127 Kernel (germinating) 22.37735 19.1532 25.6015 Seeds 46.22311212121212 11.3021 73.1114 Embryo Sac 8.928665 7.60993 10.2474 Pericarp and aleurone 38.3628 38.3628 38.3628 Coleoptile (5 day) 15.6119 14.4254 16.3182 Seedling 52.22875652173913 17.7271 89.9783 Internode 95.26972857142857 13.9184 140.761 Sheath 74.37155 67.111 81.6321 Shoot (apex) 49.4615136 12.3394 187.305 Shoot 18.361125 11.2195 33.237 Whole plant 53.50985 41.1463 62.7697 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 17.12355 14.585 19.6621 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 12.118963333333333 8.46179 15.7352 Apical meristem 19.5777 19.5777 19.5777 Stem and meristem 35.7822 31.9675 39.5969 Stems 96.6973125 28.8139 161.506 Stem (Internode) 113.77166666666666 101.747 123.676 Leaf 34.52914738738739 8.57921 77.1436 Leaf (apex) 24.90335 22.8458 26.9609 Leaf (bundle sheath) 26.0398 14.2732 37.8064 Leaf (mesophyll) 26.193266666666666 20.6684 34.106 Leaf (seedlings) 16.665604666666667 1.5381 43.4602 Leaf and kernel 19.241433333333333 15.6484 22.8215 Ear (leaf) 21.2251 21.2251 21.2251 Root 65.21359145833334 7.13708 174.133 Root (elongation zone) 16.1580725 5.52447 28.1615 Root (meristematic zone) 9.84877 9.69494 10.0026 Root (stele) 90.402525 47.944 110.7 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 44.8454 44.8454 44.8454 Secondary root 11.5508 11.5508 11.5508 Root, root hairs removed 46.9958 46.9958 46.9958 Root (maturation zone) 4.38217 4.38217 4.38217