condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	0.3972656666666667	0.0	0.88174
Ovary	2.160223333333333	1.16438	2.72089
Ovule	2.407159	0.0	7.50278
Microspore	0.016264380000000002	0.0	0.0813219
Bicellular microspore	0.0980119	0.0980119	0.0980119
Pollen (mature)	1.7450962162162162	0.0	8.34666
Pollen tube	1.515794	0.821524	1.95083
Sperm cell	0.1337335857142857	0.0	0.57095
Pollen tube	1.515794	0.821524	1.95083
Tassels (primordia)	3.9462025	2.39368	6.67795
Tassels (anther)	1.1275573076923078	0.0	3.18585
Tassels	3.93362625	0.0	13.2811
Silk	1.8505850000000001	1.69507	2.0061
Ear	1.9990379999999999	0.285721	5.18507
Ear (immature)	4.12243	2.40628	8.41174
Ear (inflorescence)	1.566815	1.53934	1.59429
Ear (primordia)	2.1897906666666667	0.169018	8.201
Zygote (12 HAP)	16.773273333333332	8.58042	26.9666
Zygote (24 HAP)	8.216773333333332	6.26706	9.72113
Daughter cell (apical)	1.0145266666666668	0.54995	1.28028
Daughter cell (basal)	1.1996663333333333	0.42519	2.41601
Embryo	14.641895666666667	0.0	62.8962
Nucellus	9.0449	7.7009	10.3889
Endopserm	0.8876418571428571	0.0	4.73321
Kernel	3.2523665	0.0	17.0401
Kernel (germinating)	2.481638	0.360066	4.60321
Seeds	2.0346425454545454	0.0	7.47404
Embryo Sac	0.0	0.0	0.0
Pericarp and aleurone	7.19007	7.19007	7.19007
Coleoptile (5 day)	0.37579133333333337	0.138813	0.615303
Seedling	1.3730551304347827	0.0	6.70389
Internode	4.502654285714286	1.53176	6.62457
Sheath	0.3607595	0.25083	0.470689
Shoot (apex)	6.454918672	0.283413	28.3747
Shoot	0.9456875666666666	0.0	2.87513
Whole plant	1.77734775	0.0	6.04048
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	2.204065	2.03693	2.3712
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	25.983466666666665	15.7627	31.4969
Apical meristem	4.29811	4.29811	4.29811
Stem and meristem	2.02968	1.07457	2.98479
Stems	2.98039	0.425181	6.32899
Stem (Internode)	5.90736	2.56555	7.77621
Leaf	2.1346306306306304	0.0	14.2648
Leaf (apex)	2.351285	1.76025	2.94232
Leaf (bundle sheath)	0.323537	0.122807	0.524267
Leaf (mesophyll)	0.17939066666666667	0.0752658	0.367151
Leaf (seedlings)	0.7173954	0.0	2.46193
Leaf and kernel	1.5143685	0.262848	4.03778
Ear (leaf)	0.128136	0.128136	0.128136
Root	5.012755135416667	0.0	44.2026
Root (elongation zone)	3.012741375	0.0411725	6.73971
Root (meristematic zone)	0.401718	0.358781	0.444655
Root (stele)	0.438476	0.0	0.829433
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	1.94044	1.94044	1.94044
Secondary root	5.69213	5.69213	5.69213
Root, root hairs removed	1.81654	1.81654	1.81654
Root (maturation zone)	2.72006	2.72006	2.72006