condition mean min max Egg cell 287.82733333333334 244.715 351.072 Ovary 29.287433333333333 21.4222 40.0345 Ovule 367.1105 192.458 447.043 Microspore 9.091326 1.16959 20.7471 Bicellular microspore 0.89417 0.89417 0.89417 Pollen (mature) 33.41228081081081 2.76824 70.2082 Pollen tube 28.540033333333334 24.6244 31.1412 Sperm cell 332.3098451428571 0.147576 832.861 Pollen tube 28.540033333333334 24.6244 31.1412 Tassels (primordia) 183.15725 154.766 210.93 Tassels (anther) 195.44161538461537 126.651 250.062 Tassels 109.360725 37.6892 138.068 Silk 199.21075000000002 60.8095 337.612 Ear 149.45687 23.4947 291.573 Ear (immature) 118.17 103.591 160.743 Ear (inflorescence) 197.135 196.455 197.815 Ear (primordia) 117.39835000000001 52.9515 171.768 Zygote (12 HAP) 132.233 108.905 148.109 Zygote (24 HAP) 151.74666666666667 119.679 191.285 Daughter cell (apical) 250.47166666666666 217.58 278.194 Daughter cell (basal) 310.35366666666664 294.718 337.412 Embryo 141.6859888888889 53.4712 266.484 Nucellus 246.9565 226.432 267.481 Endopserm 184.74785714285716 50.152 285.585 Kernel 210.12066666666666 117.549 343.647 Kernel (germinating) 227.89 202.252 253.528 Seeds 227.48281818181817 125.773 504.661 Embryo Sac 594.9465 482.541 707.352 Pericarp and aleurone 66.9726 66.9726 66.9726 Coleoptile (5 day) 105.80533333333334 88.539 127.932 Seedling 143.3478347826087 78.5612 321.48 Internode 223.6872857142857 187.157 258.37 Sheath 161.843 161.67 162.016 Shoot (apex) 220.975384 100.061 392.963 Shoot 144.04455833333333 99.8307 190.784 Whole plant 157.0665 106.825 215.694 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 197.9635 156.532 239.395 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 104.15133333333333 95.684 114.585 Apical meristem 131.433 131.433 131.433 Stem and meristem 163.21550000000002 160.061 166.37 Stems 210.327875 146.152 260.122 Stem (Internode) 237.85366666666667 222.373 251.032 Leaf 141.11182612612612 47.4642 304.703 Leaf (apex) 124.858 113.149 136.567 Leaf (bundle sheath) 119.6283 98.9356 140.321 Leaf (mesophyll) 85.8024 75.1255 96.4723 Leaf (seedlings) 52.720106666666666 12.0467 105.264 Leaf and kernel 122.68 100.425 142.996 Ear (leaf) 114.467 114.467 114.467 Root 210.66354791666666 68.1166 438.873 Root (elongation zone) 152.48905 94.6672 188.86 Root (meristematic zone) 105.405 100.791 110.019 Root (stele) 316.2645 301.651 327.12 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 160.851 160.851 160.851 Secondary root 138.156 138.156 138.156 Root, root hairs removed 116.482 116.482 116.482 Root (maturation zone) 71.7011 71.7011 71.7011