condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	25.219333333333335	16.6612	36.7391
Ovary	1.52616	1.05461	1.91704
Ovule	14.5894675	9.03757	21.753
Microspore	12.449108	0.48244	35.7098
Bicellular microspore	1.10929	1.10929	1.10929
Pollen (mature)	8.905530810810811	1.12351	30.5617
Pollen tube	6.245826666666667	5.54641	7.24207
Sperm cell	19.54973857142857	1.1497	54.7446
Pollen tube	6.245826666666667	5.54641	7.24207
Tassels (primordia)	17.484275	14.4379	21.5841
Tassels (anther)	17.82975769230769	6.01681	23.5586
Tassels	13.361379625	0.632017	21.8638
Silk	8.2170675	0.867035	15.5671
Ear	11.50301	3.02282	31.4059
Ear (immature)	6.278933333333333	3.23435	7.43692
Ear (inflorescence)	9.17618	6.03296	12.3194
Ear (primordia)	14.080811666666667	1.41697	18.8339
Zygote (12 HAP)	23.400133333333333	19.2479	26.012
Zygote (24 HAP)	21.7757	17.9271	25.4548
Daughter cell (apical)	31.6729	21.4695	39.6588
Daughter cell (basal)	38.38033333333333	36.9325	40.589
Embryo	13.051985555555556	2.42235	20.538
Nucellus	25.8804	24.9476	26.8132
Endopserm	12.051522857142857	5.36759	29.2192
Kernel	17.94726	2.20342	26.8403
Kernel (germinating)	15.947600000000001	11.4459	20.4493
Seeds	19.534097575757578	2.01598	29.5411
Embryo Sac	17.45525	14.4622	20.4483
Pericarp and aleurone	10.7266	10.7266	10.7266
Coleoptile (5 day)	11.409746666666667	7.54294	13.629
Seedling	14.120441304347827	3.70539	28.8542
Internode	26.081097142857143	6.97248	36.2509
Sheath	15.30375	14.7179	15.8896
Shoot (apex)	13.55469264	3.55874	23.1172
Shoot	6.247485833333333	3.98021	12.7072
Whole plant	14.141115	7.26646	18.8677
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	4.014505	3.82278	4.20623
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	7.4677766666666665	6.40118	9.05631
Apical meristem	10.1393	10.1393	10.1393
Stem and meristem	12.39435	11.2841	13.5046
Stems	23.4805625	16.0593	28.0168
Stem (Internode)	29.361866666666664	27.0967	30.993
Leaf	12.91560018018018	1.30073	63.5089
Leaf (apex)	8.199449999999999	7.35037	9.04853
Leaf (bundle sheath)	5.348615	2.1434	8.55383
Leaf (mesophyll)	5.8133	5.06044	6.32745
Leaf (seedlings)	8.487208	2.24614	13.4261
Leaf and kernel	5.759853333333333	3.92192	7.2573
Ear (leaf)	9.79939	9.79939	9.79939
Root	17.933494479166665	3.91991	34.0363
Root (elongation zone)	7.94457	2.36881	13.0798
Root (meristematic zone)	13.3168	13.2653	13.3683
Root (stele)	25.47585	21.8271	27.2961
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	18.6354	18.6354	18.6354
Secondary root	5.25243	5.25243	5.25243
Root, root hairs removed	16.6606	16.6606	16.6606
Root (maturation zone)	6.36373	6.36373	6.36373