condition mean min max Egg cell 46.972899999999996 28.4286 59.1817 Ovary 16.684066666666666 12.6638 19.7944 Ovule 37.19275 12.2161 55.9145 Microspore 57.6009 3.6632 150.544 Bicellular microspore 1.19804 1.19804 1.19804 Pollen (mature) 1.5179131621621622 0.402764 3.44449 Pollen tube 1.8431133333333334 1.58489 2.18959 Sperm cell 66.82755285714285 2.56419 138.646 Pollen tube 1.8431133333333334 1.58489 2.18959 Tassels (primordia) 81.881725 51.7874 98.7603 Tassels (anther) 57.01068461538461 42.658 79.4365 Tassels 39.76030875 8.96437 66.4878 Silk 28.4125 27.0872 29.7378 Ear 48.46136 18.2145 90.9291 Ear (immature) 65.42976666666667 60.581 72.027 Ear (inflorescence) 47.69815 47.4634 47.9329 Ear (primordia) 34.75994166666667 8.67775 45.3989 Zygote (12 HAP) 91.72363333333334 91.218 92.6851 Zygote (24 HAP) 93.59533333333333 78.957 110.863 Daughter cell (apical) 172.12866666666667 131.064 231.206 Daughter cell (basal) 152.68 128.697 167.25 Embryo 66.52802222222222 34.5993 111.413 Nucellus 68.60945000000001 63.7466 73.4723 Endopserm 37.039654285714285 9.13126 79.4657 Kernel 53.20260833333333 23.0108 85.7097 Kernel (germinating) 65.2379 52.3148 78.161 Seeds 44.506551515151514 20.3581 60.2774 Embryo Sac 32.6424 26.6077 38.6771 Pericarp and aleurone 17.3231 17.3231 17.3231 Coleoptile (5 day) 92.05703333333334 87.2145 95.579 Seedling 36.38394347826087 10.6624 98.1948 Internode 67.73084285714286 41.2317 84.3751 Sheath 34.8356 33.9204 35.7508 Shoot (apex) 69.1367336 36.1197 121.775 Shoot 22.780916666666666 16.7398 39.3217 Whole plant 53.264475 43.9432 69.172 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 30.8336 28.6479 33.0193 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 81.19886666666666 62.614 91.8226 Apical meristem 42.7147 42.7147 42.7147 Stem and meristem 58.983149999999995 57.6915 60.2748 Stems 61.47635 45.8561 76.9492 Stem (Internode) 64.9649 59.5502 68.9883 Leaf 42.95963474774775 0.267476 171.306 Leaf (apex) 40.985 39.8676 42.1024 Leaf (bundle sheath) 18.78895 16.7612 20.8167 Leaf (mesophyll) 18.321533333333335 10.9917 25.1029 Leaf (seedlings) 11.819526 2.00524 43.5982 Leaf and kernel 21.994151666666667 8.81071 36.7558 Ear (leaf) 14.9442 14.9442 14.9442 Root 45.959171875 17.7084 102.664 Root (elongation zone) 36.0561 32.0747 38.9416 Root (meristematic zone) 77.6062 73.1603 82.0521 Root (stele) 43.214225 36.2584 55.8601 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 44.9125 44.9125 44.9125 Secondary root 33.9328 33.9328 33.9328 Root, root hairs removed 41.4689 41.4689 41.4689 Root (maturation zone) 58.6657 58.6657 58.6657