condition mean min max Egg cell 53.014833333333335 18.0223 122.933 Ovary 99.22403333333334 73.0824 128.207 Ovule 105.03885 34.5183 224.348 Microspore 9.0218652 0.0 33.5411 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 2.5641962432432432 0.0 6.73503 Pollen tube 11.575135 6.32804 18.4764 Sperm cell 8.907972085714286 0.0 24.2159 Pollen tube 11.575135 6.32804 18.4764 Tassels (primordia) 238.39675 221.72 269.517 Tassels (anther) 205.36461538461538 112.757 436.427 Tassels 233.709225 48.6673 624.401 Silk 79.32560000000001 21.0482 137.603 Ear 241.75283 53.9963 915.862 Ear (immature) 442.2898333333334 417.605 472.92 Ear (inflorescence) 216.81650000000002 191.692 241.941 Ear (primordia) 322.12816666666663 134.128 840.449 Zygote (12 HAP) 117.33026666666666 92.6948 140.218 Zygote (24 HAP) 136.501 108.141 189.267 Daughter cell (apical) 24.0171 13.1334 33.5147 Daughter cell (basal) 40.900866666666666 37.3 47.2161 Embryo 56.643 12.3226 115.361 Nucellus 331.16999999999996 326.512 335.828 Endopserm 57.76842428571429 9.86544 177.513 Kernel 124.51080833333333 34.6632 320.838 Kernel (germinating) 90.81705 46.4031 135.231 Seeds 96.02583333333334 10.0281 245.622 Embryo Sac 165.047 132.048 198.046 Pericarp and aleurone 41.6185 41.6185 41.6185 Coleoptile (5 day) 22.483733333333333 18.5568 30.0084 Seedling 56.08452608695652 32.0006 99.234 Internode 96.15448571428571 56.2371 265.254 Sheath 72.24705 58.0484 86.4457 Shoot (apex) 159.433376 104.068 253.856 Shoot 64.27005 43.2117 115.068 Whole plant 102.17360000000001 74.4526 158.621 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 189.812 181.651 197.973 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 83.2536 50.7077 106.339 Apical meristem 242.61 242.61 242.61 Stem and meristem 157.09699999999998 149.004 165.19 Stems 73.2929625 57.1168 88.1351 Stem (Internode) 78.0349 67.1582 90.7675 Leaf 59.285178378378376 10.6689 179.633 Leaf (apex) 127.5325 117.727 137.338 Leaf (bundle sheath) 51.676050000000004 48.5601 54.792 Leaf (mesophyll) 36.3887 25.2325 42.1837 Leaf (seedlings) 11.626520666666666 1.70164 28.8682 Leaf and kernel 54.3204 41.4447 79.9439 Ear (leaf) 26.0184 26.0184 26.0184 Root 90.69306354166666 34.2224 163.239 Root (elongation zone) 105.0407 59.7773 166.791 Root (meristematic zone) 89.7205 89.3097 90.1313 Root (stele) 64.532825 42.3122 73.5448 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 88.7604 88.7604 88.7604 Secondary root 170.231 170.231 170.231 Root, root hairs removed 129.147 129.147 129.147 Root (maturation zone) 219.76 219.76 219.76