condition mean min max Egg cell 156.6176 51.0168 268.047 Ovary 5.484056666666667 3.4827 7.29802 Ovule 21.791475 16.3247 31.592 Microspore 42.905623999999996 2.45992 87.356 Bicellular microspore 1.0161 1.0161 1.0161 Pollen (mature) 7.318681810810811 0.0 72.0199 Pollen tube 2.3804333333333334 1.04027 3.50736 Sperm cell 34.652927142857145 0.0 86.8504 Pollen tube 2.3804333333333334 1.04027 3.50736 Tassels (primordia) 59.6877 52.2048 65.3077 Tassels (anther) 62.99810769230769 28.8496 170.858 Tassels 32.5463325 4.53956 60.0158 Silk 26.3326 10.4184 42.2468 Ear 42.881895 4.02725 71.9793 Ear (immature) 41.26506666666667 28.2974 50.7703 Ear (inflorescence) 26.3731 24.0862 28.66 Ear (primordia) 50.12371666666667 15.0065 101.863 Zygote (12 HAP) 105.7304 82.3842 123.355 Zygote (24 HAP) 122.889 102.278 147.003 Daughter cell (apical) 168.29766666666666 141.702 189.197 Daughter cell (basal) 209.14233333333334 190.831 218.498 Embryo 63.77124444444444 20.5474 133.123 Nucellus 37.04785 33.7194 40.3763 Endopserm 54.61165714285714 11.0516 225.627 Kernel 53.48569166666667 26.9579 111.867 Kernel (germinating) 101.6347 86.3594 116.91 Seeds 54.04639090909091 23.6232 112.311 Embryo Sac 33.098749999999995 25.3418 40.8557 Pericarp and aleurone 19.286 19.286 19.286 Coleoptile (5 day) 41.63896666666667 38.4747 45.0135 Seedling 37.838679130434784 8.53662 84.7937 Internode 37.46424285714286 27.1844 56.3045 Sheath 42.60165 40.204 44.9993 Shoot (apex) 45.650704 14.6701 105.273 Shoot 36.278375 21.5767 61.0957 Whole plant 28.02065 17.2372 36.637 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 55.26519999999999 49.2347 61.2957 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 62.05753333333333 58.4542 69.0605 Apical meristem 62.9813 62.9813 62.9813 Stem and meristem 63.9607 60.9489 66.9725 Stems 47.717975 23.0272 84.8744 Stem (Internode) 28.03953333333333 25.3107 33.3103 Leaf 43.36880252252252 5.43009 239.826 Leaf (apex) 41.7866 38.0508 45.5224 Leaf (bundle sheath) 22.312849999999997 18.8339 25.7918 Leaf (mesophyll) 17.03421 9.61373 26.2637 Leaf (seedlings) 9.902408666666666 1.11103 23.2894 Leaf and kernel 21.503955 9.02513 49.7727 Ear (leaf) 18.4781 18.4781 18.4781 Root 88.07264375 14.4104 135.467 Root (elongation zone) 124.433925 84.6147 170.127 Root (meristematic zone) 212.01799999999997 209.021 215.015 Root (stele) 84.06515 68.3106 97.5566 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 106.56 106.56 106.56 Secondary root 84.401 84.401 84.401 Root, root hairs removed 110.627 110.627 110.627 Root (maturation zone) 104.821 104.821 104.821