condition mean min max Egg cell 73.3145 61.3276 95.0129 Ovary 10.83054 8.12562 12.3536 Ovule 54.480825 30.5407 113.417 Microspore 49.15422 5.77462 96.4522 Bicellular microspore 14.7316 14.7316 14.7316 Pollen (mature) 790.6396756756757 137.894 2005.57 Pollen tube 615.694 579.068 708.993 Sperm cell 21.722942857142858 3.68373 96.6406 Pollen tube 615.694 579.068 708.993 Tassels (primordia) 58.602625 42.272 69.6092 Tassels (anther) 64.2197076923077 48.8983 99.7714 Tassels 154.07927375 3.39673 365.601 Silk 122.4225 20.841 224.004 Ear 61.27174 29.9952 164.655 Ear (immature) 32.128883333333334 16.5173 37.5965 Ear (inflorescence) 55.1106 37.0818 73.1394 Ear (primordia) 66.595715 5.05949 88.9733 Zygote (12 HAP) 76.17503333333333 68.4577 86.8683 Zygote (24 HAP) 79.55656666666667 68.292 88.9944 Daughter cell (apical) 85.74976666666667 82.9952 89.9107 Daughter cell (basal) 76.68686666666666 73.9558 78.34 Embryo 53.99126 8.26654 93.2307 Nucellus 100.47555 98.7911 102.16 Endopserm 18.720991428571427 3.65127 41.912 Kernel 44.523575 14.3546 89.3828 Kernel (germinating) 32.1777 27.08 37.2754 Seeds 130.8269878787879 16.9411 325.093 Embryo Sac 65.897 52.1556 79.6384 Pericarp and aleurone 29.6075 29.6075 29.6075 Coleoptile (5 day) 155.70063333333334 94.3939 191.958 Seedling 50.25462608695652 11.8413 76.7849 Internode 106.59081428571429 55.0638 135.318 Sheath 100.5694 99.2808 101.858 Shoot (apex) 70.2112976 21.5049 150.473 Shoot 28.5470675 3.05054 47.5494 Whole plant 50.6609 35.0046 77.953 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 21.747149999999998 18.7229 24.7714 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 17.0383 15.9155 18.4204 Apical meristem 49.1038 49.1038 49.1038 Stem and meristem 74.71635 74.0124 75.4203 Stems 151.642875 115.555 199.883 Stem (Internode) 129.366 114.679 137.806 Leaf 15.224327117117117 1.98663 65.257 Leaf (apex) 50.792699999999996 47.4277 54.1577 Leaf (bundle sheath) 15.099310000000001 2.88502 27.3136 Leaf (mesophyll) 15.100746666666666 8.28544 21.0585 Leaf (seedlings) 5.254492466666667 0.963047 9.16883 Leaf and kernel 11.872473333333334 9.10301 15.2689 Ear (leaf) 10.2964 10.2964 10.2964 Root 77.4423875 10.5845 184.437 Root (elongation zone) 121.302825 30.582 226.353 Root (meristematic zone) 68.98425 62.4587 75.5098 Root (stele) 105.360375 97.6395 115.354 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 113.027 113.027 113.027 Secondary root 31.1471 31.1471 31.1471 Root, root hairs removed 90.1264 90.1264 90.1264 Root (maturation zone) 15.9011 15.9011 15.9011