condition mean min max Egg cell 19.058603333333334 5.94029 44.8524 Ovary 1.8360933333333334 1.22365 2.24661 Ovule 5.5693 2.11581 13.0756 Microspore 3.529626 0.11144 10.966 Bicellular microspore 0.224406 0.224406 0.224406 Pollen (mature) 0.2581209918918919 0.0 0.639366 Pollen tube 0.2860125 0.211183 0.344615 Sperm cell 0.29277442857142855 0.0483521 0.906848 Pollen tube 0.2860125 0.211183 0.344615 Tassels (primordia) 16.4148775 9.34611 21.3495 Tassels (anther) 19.11091769230769 7.19383 34.8432 Tassels 8.283125 3.69809 13.0766 Silk 2.324165 1.22989 3.41844 Ear 6.643976 4.19566 10.9771 Ear (immature) 4.95813 4.13986 5.58468 Ear (inflorescence) 9.02722 6.21714 11.8373 Ear (primordia) 9.591176666666668 6.6184 12.5959 Zygote (12 HAP) 17.698133333333335 13.6523 24.5115 Zygote (24 HAP) 18.832166666666666 16.4077 22.17 Daughter cell (apical) 6.927656666666667 3.07561 10.9982 Daughter cell (basal) 4.10894 2.92486 5.23979 Embryo 13.433042222222221 7.46614 16.7762 Nucellus 12.015799999999999 10.9034 13.1282 Endopserm 5.0194662857142855 0.901388 15.8681 Kernel 6.377414166666667 2.58709 11.1095 Kernel (germinating) 19.5805 15.3918 23.7692 Seeds 7.696783636363636 2.24088 19.9262 Embryo Sac 10.105225 3.78965 16.4208 Pericarp and aleurone 3.94509 3.94509 3.94509 Coleoptile (5 day) 13.202033333333333 11.2538 14.2883 Seedling 6.100975652173913 1.53181 11.4321 Internode 8.833774285714286 3.62945 11.1743 Sheath 5.73282 5.32742 6.13822 Shoot (apex) 10.8026032 5.08743 23.0353 Shoot 3.1879958333333334 1.1102 5.92377 Whole plant 6.7966774999999995 5.62186 7.83916 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 3.9799550000000004 3.86086 4.09905 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 11.779513333333334 8.87534 13.7532 Apical meristem 8.91952 8.91952 8.91952 Stem and meristem 6.63846 6.38804 6.88888 Stems 7.9864162499999996 5.71987 9.95715 Stem (Internode) 8.03072 7.5875 8.37395 Leaf 5.853523027027027 0.622011 24.4727 Leaf (apex) 5.641575 4.73656 6.54659 Leaf (bundle sheath) 2.67143 2.61027 2.73259 Leaf (mesophyll) 2.473 2.0878 2.68998 Leaf (seedlings) 2.9581165333333335 0.613423 7.54206 Leaf and kernel 2.556983333333333 2.01671 3.36124 Ear (leaf) 2.42706 2.42706 2.42706 Root 9.881506041666666 3.49707 16.5294 Root (elongation zone) 6.2338925 2.44076 11.8014 Root (meristematic zone) 12.95375 12.8842 13.0233 Root (stele) 17.794425 14.8464 19.6127 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 7.91887 7.91887 7.91887 Secondary root 4.49817 4.49817 4.49817 Root, root hairs removed 7.83943 7.83943 7.83943 Root (maturation zone) 5.13749 5.13749 5.13749