condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	0.0	0.0	0.0
Ovary	1.6418766666666667	1.29464	2.31609
Ovule	1.35438795	0.0310108	4.74024
Microspore	0.0	0.0	0.0
Bicellular microspore	0.0	0.0	0.0
Pollen (mature)	0.3897304756756757	0.0	13.6095
Pollen tube	0.062422233333333334	0.0	0.123466
Sperm cell	0.0	0.0	0.0
Pollen tube	0.062422233333333334	0.0	0.123466
Tassels (primordia)	1.30409775	0.524721	2.54455
Tassels (anther)	0.6504177692307692	0.0	1.6604
Tassels	3.3424150000000004	1.40906	5.82748
Silk	9.8263	3.6378	16.0148
Ear	3.75861398	0.0570098	7.53078
Ear (immature)	4.15186	1.98771	7.21338
Ear (inflorescence)	2.234075	2.15361	2.31454
Ear (primordia)	0.5163273333333334	0.0	1.04452
Zygote (12 HAP)	0.275385	0.0	0.666703
Zygote (24 HAP)	0.0	0.0	0.0
Daughter cell (apical)	0.011254933333333333	0.0	0.0337648
Daughter cell (basal)	0.023124333333333334	0.0	0.069373
Embryo	0.6188374444444444	0.0	1.55569
Nucellus	0.9968165	0.953253	1.04038
Endopserm	2.344566285714286	0.160085	12.1278
Kernel	4.22367725	0.214226	16.2246
Kernel (germinating)	4.88042	1.41762	8.34322
Seeds	3.046621484848485	0.071568	13.7277
Embryo Sac	0.0	0.0	0.0
Pericarp and aleurone	2.01105	2.01105	2.01105
Coleoptile (5 day)	4.801013333333334	4.21704	5.9294
Seedling	23.751667826086955	3.7758	81.5752
Internode	0.48143257142857143	0.0	1.41398
Sheath	9.46923	8.73036	10.2081
Shoot (apex)	3.940399504	0.204019	18.258
Shoot	28.979311666666668	4.58674	47.2797
Whole plant	17.287275	10.9851	28.3677
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	1.9241350000000002	1.45284	2.39543
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	1.2520906666666667	0.765052	1.90545
Apical meristem	0.80546	0.80546	0.80546
Stem and meristem	2.642125	2.48553	2.79872
Stems	0.285772125	0.0	1.01233
Stem (Internode)	1.1120856666666665	0.250449	2.71038
Leaf	13.59415326936937	0.0	70.2547
Leaf (apex)	2.2931150000000002	1.82802	2.75821
Leaf (bundle sheath)	15.537949999999999	11.8621	19.2138
Leaf (mesophyll)	19.7049	14.948	24.8875
Leaf (seedlings)	14.942492666666666	1.22732	41.3168
Leaf and kernel	37.10325	31.4292	40.4664
Ear (leaf)	5.61327	5.61327	5.61327
Root	3.77647075625	0.0613236	20.3915
Root (elongation zone)	6.33738	3.62311	8.96459
Root (meristematic zone)	1.211456	0.901032	1.52188
Root (stele)	4.70967	1.77935	8.03906
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	5.13072	5.13072	5.13072
Secondary root	15.1198	15.1198	15.1198
Root, root hairs removed	2.94249	2.94249	2.94249
Root (maturation zone)	4.12671	4.12671	4.12671