condition mean min max Egg cell 32.09356666666667 23.6696 43.6332 Ovary 10.047396666666668 7.70169 11.4837 Ovule 23.757875000000002 15.9948 42.8286 Microspore 5.547975 0.856595 12.8621 Bicellular microspore 1.504 1.504 1.504 Pollen (mature) 2.847397405405405 0.643064 5.45942 Pollen tube 1.7664 1.59179 2.10185 Sperm cell 0.1726292857142857 0.0 0.324062 Pollen tube 1.7664 1.59179 2.10185 Tassels (primordia) 56.265875 45.1485 70.2047 Tassels (anther) 143.5253153846154 44.2904 259.612 Tassels 72.4256125 11.3365 110.56 Silk 38.21995 23.5285 52.9114 Ear 40.69442 21.3571 67.8288 Ear (immature) 19.48185 14.6624 22.4315 Ear (inflorescence) 31.45165 25.008 37.8953 Ear (primordia) 49.17091666666667 17.8294 58.3126 Zygote (12 HAP) 17.9732 11.6771 23.375 Zygote (24 HAP) 26.903233333333333 24.4334 29.3502 Daughter cell (apical) 28.670266666666667 24.0331 33.4847 Daughter cell (basal) 28.065366666666666 23.8716 34.9564 Embryo 101.21665555555555 59.8435 179.142 Nucellus 51.351 51.0926 51.6094 Endopserm 60.34247142857143 34.3572 118.223 Kernel 90.07551666666667 27.6704 209.787 Kernel (germinating) 130.29000000000002 116.613 143.967 Seeds 77.32555757575757 16.7308 137.328 Embryo Sac 29.61835 22.3546 36.8821 Pericarp and aleurone 47.2702 47.2702 47.2702 Coleoptile (5 day) 40.54123333333333 33.544 45.2209 Seedling 35.27012739130435 6.47873 66.1323 Internode 85.06402857142857 56.0692 128.843 Sheath 63.04174999999999 53.9745 72.109 Shoot (apex) 56.8151408 25.1605 103.81 Shoot 31.475014166666668 9.89277 56.5475 Whole plant 42.792249999999996 19.7579 61.616 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 20.963549999999998 20.6283 21.2988 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 17.496966666666665 17.2926 17.6403 Apical meristem 45.3985 45.3985 45.3985 Stem and meristem 86.99515 85.9012 88.0891 Stems 73.8539375 64.5443 86.4302 Stem (Internode) 75.7715 70.6125 81.2056 Leaf 33.552886936936936 1.34559 132.424 Leaf (apex) 41.89325 38.1957 45.5908 Leaf (bundle sheath) 11.604185 6.38457 16.8238 Leaf (mesophyll) 9.918276666666667 6.63553 11.6738 Leaf (seedlings) 8.003516666666666 2.67734 12.1319 Leaf and kernel 13.944733333333334 12.6744 16.5756 Ear (leaf) 31.7002 31.7002 31.7002 Root 89.64283020833334 47.8763 214.37 Root (elongation zone) 138.5437 82.8404 208.448 Root (meristematic zone) 167.2285 163.67 170.787 Root (stele) 64.65535 59.6209 73.071 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 122.083 122.083 122.083 Secondary root 93.6953 93.6953 93.6953 Root, root hairs removed 103.873 103.873 103.873 Root (maturation zone) 70.0447 70.0447 70.0447