condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	2.0020966666666666	1.47224	3.04926
Ovary	5.583316666666667	2.95792	8.19955
Ovule	4.5911725	1.5293	10.7195
Microspore	0.07922704	0.0	0.361665
Bicellular microspore	0.0	0.0	0.0
Pollen (mature)	0.061435708108108104	0.0	0.278155
Pollen tube	0.15838966666666668	0.106715	0.189502
Sperm cell	0.42517542857142854	0.0	0.917303
Pollen tube	0.15838966666666668	0.106715	0.189502
Tassels (primordia)	5.2407875	1.96757	7.57265
Tassels (anther)	7.805472307692308	5.21892	12.3388
Tassels	8.43449625	2.95914	18.951
Silk	5.8878449999999996	1.49119	10.2845
Ear	6.926547	3.93904	11.3733
Ear (immature)	7.575983333333333	6.93399	8.40782
Ear (inflorescence)	2.440315	2.34039	2.54024
Ear (primordia)	5.701892833333333	0.734527	20.3783
Zygote (12 HAP)	2.99329	1.46296	4.76743
Zygote (24 HAP)	5.000096666666667	1.57792	7.94853
Daughter cell (apical)	2.808736333333333	0.324469	4.49067
Daughter cell (basal)	1.4831423333333333	0.841036	2.73577
Embryo	10.790122222222223	1.35391	19.9533
Nucellus	3.796475	3.68551	3.90744
Endopserm	9.731220714285714	2.88853	29.809
Kernel	15.490030833333332	8.94927	19.9699
Kernel (germinating)	38.21905	13.7998	62.6383
Seeds	12.36498393939394	2.11287	29.7797
Embryo Sac	12.403255000000001	4.46551	20.341
Pericarp and aleurone	15.4352	15.4352	15.4352
Coleoptile (5 day)	5.507493333333334	5.11393	6.18269
Seedling	10.51037	4.75546	33.7309
Internode	3.1445214285714282	1.71813	5.52379
Sheath	2.42612	2.41098	2.44126
Shoot (apex)	4.139915096	0.558291	12.6594
Shoot	13.17826	7.84962	37.6156
Whole plant	19.1793	10.2277	30.0491
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	6.2267600000000005	5.84926	6.60426
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	5.37638	2.83344	9.02152
Apical meristem	4.65477	4.65477	4.65477
Stem and meristem	4.179455	3.01093	5.34798
Stems	2.76993425	0.799174	4.5649
Stem (Internode)	8.552109999999999	4.35449	16.1376
Leaf	11.570242648648648	0.885614	30.4796
Leaf (apex)	4.3500700000000005	4.10151	4.59863
Leaf (bundle sheath)	6.52447	6.22217	6.82677
Leaf (mesophyll)	6.3417666666666666	5.77926	7.00565
Leaf (seedlings)	6.864524666666667	1.51793	17.013
Leaf and kernel	9.883325	8.30401	12.168
Ear (leaf)	12.5785	12.5785	12.5785
Root	30.835961666666666	3.04163	106.316
Root (elongation zone)	2.04131675	0.882708	3.98867
Root (meristematic zone)	1.7998600000000002	1.54756	2.05216
Root (stele)	14.323125000000001	13.1419	15.8755
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	10.6268	10.6268	10.6268
Secondary root	6.35285	6.35285	6.35285
Root, root hairs removed	20.2453	20.2453	20.2453
Root (maturation zone)	1.48061	1.48061	1.48061