condition mean min max Egg cell 12.65013 8.96869 16.5338 Ovary 17.291833333333333 11.2726 20.3179 Ovule 55.58715 15.844 164.458 Microspore 12.273387999999999 1.72239 30.4788 Bicellular microspore 2.44886 2.44886 2.44886 Pollen (mature) 11.821405135135135 3.07694 58.6621 Pollen tube 3.6884466666666667 3.45914 4.1978 Sperm cell 3.9487208571428574 0.570336 15.1844 Pollen tube 3.6884466666666667 3.45914 4.1978 Tassels (primordia) 113.888525 94.3561 128.069 Tassels (anther) 52.2706 37.9077 68.0634 Tassels 64.50863749999999 11.2106 139.015 Silk 17.14276 2.88012 31.4054 Ear 108.42719 39.715 330.394 Ear (immature) 54.41876666666667 51.1559 58.4977 Ear (inflorescence) 153.56535 98.2127 208.918 Ear (primordia) 122.09445 14.9224 216.786 Zygote (12 HAP) 30.672533333333334 24.3935 40.5541 Zygote (24 HAP) 33.272533333333335 28.3434 37.3583 Daughter cell (apical) 20.520966666666666 20.0431 20.8545 Daughter cell (basal) 21.515366666666665 17.4306 25.4592 Embryo 85.91216666666666 24.5271 178.29 Nucellus 122.5195 117.399 127.64 Endopserm 24.947993571428572 3.03906 81.291 Kernel 57.30031666666667 17.5227 112.676 Kernel (germinating) 56.13085 30.8138 81.4479 Seeds 131.94957272727274 14.9981 275.975 Embryo Sac 26.697699999999998 22.1862 31.2092 Pericarp and aleurone 9.53283 9.53283 9.53283 Coleoptile (5 day) 19.959833333333336 14.4186 23.2587 Seedling 101.97813043478261 19.2455 182.253 Internode 99.36485714285715 33.7461 174.351 Sheath 53.2175 38.6509 67.7841 Shoot (apex) 73.6903296 23.0486 204.345 Shoot 28.302 14.559 106.209 Whole plant 49.806225 23.7833 69.1722 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 24.91325 24.8911 24.9354 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 24.2195 19.0489 30.9871 Apical meristem 67.7882 67.7882 67.7882 Stem and meristem 55.52575 53.6399 57.4116 Stems 135.5603375 34.0606 242.344 Stem (Internode) 166.71423333333334 91.2317 283.224 Leaf 91.03869189189189 12.055 422.016 Leaf (apex) 59.1653 53.3896 64.941 Leaf (bundle sheath) 77.28075000000001 64.3071 90.2544 Leaf (mesophyll) 89.45386666666667 81.1345 98.112 Leaf (seedlings) 65.0288 11.5596 173.929 Leaf and kernel 27.394083333333334 15.9226 40.0439 Ear (leaf) 21.4266 21.4266 21.4266 Root 11.483731572916668 0.558748 118.119 Root (elongation zone) 13.562925 4.08341 22.1004 Root (meristematic zone) 31.49275 30.0517 32.9338 Root (stele) 14.6402225 8.27313 21.1344 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 24.4176 24.4176 24.4176 Secondary root 9.57884 9.57884 9.57884 Root, root hairs removed 15.7932 15.7932 15.7932 Root (maturation zone) 12.8425 12.8425 12.8425