condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	12.48208518	0.0996018	27.1031
Ovule	30.087623076923077	20.1378	37.4376
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	20.53473333333333	17.6377	23.2991
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	16.016099999999998	11.7086	18.9747
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	14.787966666666666	12.7257	16.1924
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	9.643303333333334	8.73877	10.2583
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	16.283066666666667	12.5076	18.4117
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	23.1218	22.5601	23.6784
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	29.39336666666667	27.8076	30.9279
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	26.46912	23.8611	29.9662
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	27.778333333333332	25.7507	29.6185
Sperm	73.28038333333333	63.2644	86.0509
Pollen tube (Col-0)	7.945306666666667	5.8371	10.4863
Flower (receptacles)	40.0579125	35.7872	43.6433
Flower (floral buds)	16.3107	16.3107	16.3107
Flower (sepals)	33.655924999999996	28.4425	39.0285
Flower (petals)	36.63695	36.63	36.6439
Flower (stamen filaments)	37.754900000000006	37.4305	38.0793
Flower (anthers)	43.69765	36.6754	50.3523
Flower (carpels)	39.68203571428572	32.2205	52.1481
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	28.9287	28.8813	28.9761
Pedicel	25.650399999999998	23.4846	27.8162
Axis of the inflorescence	22.6448	20.9819	24.3077
Silique	28.918433333333333	21.5359	36.4078
Silique (senescent)	13.2049	12.1171	14.2927
Pods of siliques	32.145075	26.5041	41.3592
Pods of siliques (senescent)	56.26	54.4156	58.1044
Embryo	26.5245	26.5245	26.5245
Endosperm	21.68311	11.7013	77.12
Seed	7.6935125	5.40801	10.1405
Seed (young)	27.52061	21.5854	37.5732
Seed (germinating)	31.072483333333334	16.5624	39.7872
Seedling	29.86484	11.3324	42.0927
Seedling (etiolated)	46.716033333333336	41.9604	53.666
Meristem	29.280463333333334	15.1118	38.7108
Stem (internode)	35.9996	35.5984	36.4008
Stem (internode, senescent)	60.6518	58.6511	62.6525
Stems	37.30325882352941	25.2984	56.949
Leaf (rosette)	46.90212857142857	21.1682	70.5383
Epidermis cells	1.7880700000000003	1.41301	2.16313
Mature guard cells	1.5129549999999998	1.29958	1.72633
Root (differentiation zone)	64.1914	64.1914	64.1914
Root (elongation zone)	57.65084999999999	50.1341	65.1676
Root (meristematic zone)	22.4651	22.4651	22.4651
Root (apex)	33.364050000000006	28.3667	38.3614
Root (stele)	116.971	116.971	116.971
Root (QC cells)	8.321634324166666	0.0	32.421
Root (tip)	18.268866666666668	15.0276	20.4459