condition mean min max Egg cell 16.506893 0.12485 39.118 Ovule 17.578015384615384 13.987 28.1888 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 17.8104 17.6246 18.1814 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 16.6055 15.2078 18.4498 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 16.053433333333334 12.7098 20.094 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 10.251966666666666 9.0569 11.2022 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 16.606166666666667 12.9712 19.7572 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 2.665236666666667 1.8469 3.11401 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 2.1102966666666667 0.85653 3.20101 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.8968228 0.253415 1.76569 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 1.3706776666666667 0.706323 1.70855 Sperm 0.24328133333333335 0.180273 0.297368 Pollen tube (Col-0) 0.952958 0.790476 1.08701 Flower (receptacles) 10.9469375 10.3575 11.558 Flower (floral buds) 11.9918 11.9918 11.9918 Flower (sepals) 12.834675 10.2704 16.5303 Flower (petals) 12.3153 11.2113 13.4193 Flower (stamen filaments) 12.5815 12.253 12.91 Flower (anthers) 4.050366333333333 0.790918 10.9691 Flower (carpels) 17.59632142857143 13.9908 20.961 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 13.604 13.3133 13.8947 Pedicel 15.927 15.8325 16.0215 Axis of the inflorescence 16.91205 16.7856 17.0385 Silique 10.629257777777777 9.37422 11.5889 Silique (senescent) 2.4696100000000003 2.23434 2.70488 Pods of siliques 10.63530625 9.10127 12.9298 Pods of siliques (senescent) 7.423780000000001 6.95556 7.892 Embryo 15.7514 15.7514 15.7514 Endosperm 4.488676 2.86868 12.5787 Seed 1.3323825 1.05142 1.8007 Seed (young) 15.87181 13.6339 18.8972 Seed (germinating) 13.367538333333334 7.51211 16.8118 Seedling 9.680644000000001 7.91913 11.1365 Seedling (etiolated) 9.56405 7.75604 14.8167 Meristem 15.243545 6.14936 22.9994 Stem (internode) 10.515239999999999 9.75128 11.2792 Stem (internode, senescent) 8.92111 7.25532 10.5869 Stems 13.99368705882353 5.70233 23.631 Leaf (rosette) 5.991153571428571 4.11933 11.1989 Epidermis cells 0.2937595 0.128011 0.459508 Mature guard cells 0.52539 0.0 1.05078 Root (differentiation zone) 9.11104 9.11104 9.11104 Root (elongation zone) 23.6066 19.4427 27.7705 Root (meristematic zone) 21.5349 21.5349 21.5349 Root (apex) 16.931 16.8425 17.0195 Root (stele) 10.1502 10.1502 10.1502 Root (QC cells) 13.906169349999999 0.0 89.9323 Root (tip) 17.2041 16.773 17.7489